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SONY Company & Industry Analysis Google Images
SONY Is Like No Other Google Images
SONY A House Of Cards Google Images
SONY Not Leading The Trends Google Images
SONY Stability & Relationships Vs. Excellence & Miniaturization Google Images
SONY Front- Runner Google Images
SONY Balancing Act Financially Google Images
Competitive Analysis
Weak Financial Position rstock_ jpg
Inability to Retain Earnings
Sources: Disney FY 2011 and 2012 Annual Financial Report, Sony FY 2011 and 2012 Annual Financial Report
Sources: Panasonic 2011, 2012, 2013 FY Financial Statements; Sony 2011, 2012, and 2013 FY Financial Statements
Heightened Financial Risk
Sources: Disney Q Financial Statement, Panasonic FY 2013 Financial Statement, Sony FY 2013 Financial Statement
Source -google images
Insight Source -google images
Position Source -google images
The Big Picture Source -google images
Google Images
Not Enough Revenue
Figues from VG Chartz
Customers Spend on Entertainment Google Images
Competitive in Music Google Images
Revitalize Electronics Strengthen Entertainment Google Images
Contact Information
References Panasonic Corporation. (2013, May). Annual Report Retrieved July 10, 2013, from Panasonic Corporation: Sony Corporation. (2013, May 31). Sony Consolidated Financial Statements For the fiscal year ended March 31, Retrieved July 10, 2013, from Sony: (January 5, 2012). “Top Music Firms, ”. Business Wire. Retrieved from (June 20, 2011). Top Music Studios by Market Share, 2010”. Advertising Age. (March 20, 2012). “Video Game Console Market, 2011”. VG Chartz. Retrieved from The Walt Disney Company. (2013, January). Fiscal Year 2012 Annual Financial Report and Shareholder Letter. Retrieved July 10, 2013, from The Walt Disney Company: The Walt Disney Company. (2013, May 7). The Walt Disney Company Reports Second Quarter Earnings for Fiscal Retrieved July 10, 2013, from The Walt Disney Company: