The Heart of Change Stewardship over our heart!
Model of Human Behavior Our heart is our command center Who we really are How we really think Idols of our heart Pride Money Health Peace Power Fear Marriage Kid’s behavior Sinful Behavior Character What we do? My Speech My Actions Disobedience State of Being “Emotions” How we feel about what’s going on? Indicator lights Warning system Frustration Anxiety Anger Arrogance Depression Shame Guilt Burdens False sense of happiness Results “Hardships” End result of what we really want? Please myself Exalt myself Disorder Every evil thing Humiliated Brought low Experiential death Natural Heart Matthew 15:18-19 James 4:1-2 Why do we want what we want?
Model of Human Behavior Our heart is our command center Heart full of idols Who we really are How we really think Behavior “Sinful” Character What we do? My Speech My Actions State of Being “Emotions” How we feel about what’s going on? Indicator lights Warning system Results “Hardships” End result of what we really want? Please myself Exalt myself Natural Heart Matthew 15:18-19 James 4:1-2 Humble & undivided heart Pleasing God Glorifying God Behavior “Christ-like” Character Progressive sanctification Obedient Speech Obedient Actions State of Being “Emotions” Joy Peace Contentment Rest Patience Happiness Results “Life” God exalts this person We grow We gain Supernatural Heart 2 Corinthians 5:9
Cause of conflict Pursuing the lusts of our hearts instead of lusting after God. James 4:1 “what is the source of quarrels among you? Is not the source your pleasures that wage war in your members?” What is the source of our behavior?
We do what we do because we want what we want!!
Matthew 15:18-19 “But the things that proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and those defile the man. For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, slanders.”
James vs. Matthew James says one thing- our behavior comes from our desires Matthew says another – our behavior comes from our hearts
At a bare minimum we see that the heart contains our desires The pleasures within that James refers to are actually within the heart. The heart is the “control center” that contains our desires that motivate us to do what we do. Desires and pleasures as lusts Lusts = simply a strongly held desire
What are the intents of the heart?- Desires Hebrews 4:12 “For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”
Proverb 27:19 “As water reflects a face, so a man’s heart reflects the man.”
Summary of desires Circumstances to go a certain way- frustrated and angry Loving spouse-Irritated – pleasure Physical appearance-Depressed-Look good Obedient Children-anger-easier My boss has given me a deadline- Anxiety/fear-please my boss Ease/pleasure/wealth/praise of men
2 Criteria that helps us to see when a legitimate desire becomes wrong: 1.Am I willing to sin in order to get what I want? And 2.Do I respond sinfully when I do get what I want?
Consequence of Conflict Setting ourselves in opposition to God with our lusts Now when we are willing to sin to get what we want or respond sinfully when we don’t get what we want, the Bible uses some strong terms for what is going on in our heart. James 4:4
Why Adultery? What is physical adultery? What is spiritual adultery?
Questions: Why do you think the first commandment was, “Thou shall not have no other Gods before me?” Why do you think we use the term idolatry? How are we really different from OT idolatry? What is friendship with the world?
“The human spirit that dwells in you envies intensely” You will always be lusting! You just have two choices to lust after- –God or something else. –“just two choices on the shelf, pleasing God or pleasing self”
It Get’s worse! James 4:6 “But He gives a greater grace. Therefore it says, God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”
Why does James introduce Pride? Self exaltation This kind of heart is lusting of people Things as to serve self As if everything exists to serve me/self. At the root of all this is pride!
What does this verse say God will do to those who exalt themselves? –Oppose –Actively stand in opposition –Ultimately humiliate –“a humble man can never be humiliated”
Cure for Conflict Humbling ourselves to mold our desires to be more like God’s
How do we humble ourselves? Submit –”Get yourself under God” -CHANGE MY ATTITUDE, MY THINKING Resist the Devil – resist the satanic Draw near – to inquire of God Cleanse your hands – confession process
How do we deal with Idols of the heart? Consider the following scenario: You are an advertising specialist and you are going to make an advertising pitch to a major client. If the client likes your proposal, this will mean that you will get a multimillion-dollar project – the biggest one of your life. And this will mean an incredible boost in your income.
If the client doesn’t like it you will lose a multi-million dollar project. You want this project really bad. However, the meeting is scheduled at noon, it’s now 10 til noon, and you are still 20 miles away and haven’t moved in traffic for 20 minutes. You respond something like this…(looking at watch constantly, punching radio buttons incessantly, throwing hands up
in air constantly..) “I can’t believe this is happening, just when I’m about to make the biggest sale of my life. Look! Will you look at that! Those construction workers are just standing around! At least if you going to funnel two lanes of traffic into one, could you look like you’re doing it for a reason? Those stupid dept of transportation workers. Maybe I’ll try to
call and tell my clients I’m stuck in traffic..” (pulls out cell phone and realizes battery is dead) “Can you believe this!!!!??” (throws cell phone across the car, as some one indicates they want in front of you) “Look at that guy, he’s trying to squeeze in front of my car. NO YOU DON’T MAN, YOU’RE NOT GOING TO GET IN FRONT OF ME!!!!
Questions to ask myself What is my situation? How am I responding? What am I wanting that is so important to me? What rules me? What does the Bible say about my situation and my response?
Questions to ask myself What desires should rule me? What should I be wanting? What are the possible consequences both now and in eternity of please God? What should I do now?
The role that Deception plays in stimulating idolatry Why do you want what you want?
Gen 3:1-13 What was the source of the fall according to Gen 3:1; 3:13, I Tim 2:14
Deception – believing there’s a better way than God’s way.
When the serpent said “Did God really say….” what was he trying to do?
Doubt! She doubted God’s goodness and ability to bring consequences.
Why do you want what you want? Because were Deceivers and Doubters! We think there’s a better way! Deception vs. Truth Doubt vs. Faith
What did doubt lead to? Gen 3:6 Desiring/Lust Remember the heart contains our desires
What did the desire lead to? End of Gen 3:6 Disobedience/Sin James 1:14-16 says…..
What did Adam and Eve then experience in verses 7,8,10? Distress –Guilt –Shame –This became their state of being!
What did they do with that experience? Diverting/Ducking Hide-cover up We become Master CoverErs –Alcohol, Porn, Glutens……