class 6 teaching in culture C&I 320 Spring 2002
A first peek at what the 2003 ECE cohort values. To be explored, extended, wondered about, argued about, challenged, turned inside out and back to front until it starts making sense at a deep level
faith/religion/beliefs ********* family ****************************** freedom **** education ********************* friends **************************** computer car (truck) *** health ********************* truth/honesty/honor/trust ********** sleep *** home (my room) *********
food (eating) **** experiences/memories ** culture (heritage)/values *** music ******* not being grown up yet learning new things (change) * parents’ support * future (dreams) ** imagination ability to laugh ** determination (perseverance) *
dance (dancing) * boy friend/girl friend ** (my) life ****** feelings/emotions * time * books (literature) *** movies money (prosperity) ** my self (esteem) **** independence ** fresh air
children (love of) ********* happiness love ******** peace caring/kindness * open-mindedness/acceptance * modesty helpfulness animals (pets) ***** nature (environment) ******** ice cream
athletic ability opinions relationships ** aesthetics security (safety) **** cleanliness * simplicity sorority * good times clothes * pictures
breaks from school good advice individuality * respect * art history modern inventions equality * language (my) teachers ** marriage
courage * hope life struggles, trials patience * the ability to create * the senses those who share their stories privacy strength wisdom