Status of USAID-Supported Transmission Planning Dr. Robert F. Ichord, Jr. Chief, Energy and Infrastructure Bureau for Europe and Eurasia US Agency for International Development SEEERF Presentation Rome, March 2003
Status of Transmission Planning SECI Transmission Planning Project: ESM and CSM Coordination PSS/E Software from PTI -- regional model developed by regional experts and distributed to all participants Evaluated new interconnections in terms of bulk power exchange in 2005 assuming UCTE synchronous operation and with and without Turkey
Priority New Lines Based on largest load flow following are priorities: (1)203 km Podogorica (Montenegro) to Elbasan (Albania) kVa ; (2) 80 km Somor (Serbia) to Pecs (Hungary) kVa; (3) 85 km Ernestinovo (Croatia) to Pecs (Hungary) kVa double circuit Based on income stream and estimated costs, investments not financially justified Largest Loss Reduction: 200km Skopje (Macedonia) to Tirana (Albania): 400 kVa
Tele-information and Security Plan for Regional Teleinformation Management System (TMS) among National Dispatch Centers Completed – SECI Group : Electrotek Support Considerable Investment in Fiber Optic Systems Underway – Link with EU Electronic Highway(two links needed) Five New Projects Prepared; ICCP Protocol Handbook Developed; Accounting Requirements Examined Additional NDC upgrading needed, especially Albania and Montenegro Teleinformation System Capability Needed for monitoring security – also can be used for day ahead congestion monitoring
Role of Hydro Analysis SECI Transmission Subgroup: Coordinated by ESM and Transelectrica Hydro and Pumped Storage about 36% of total installed capacity Developed demand and cost data for each unit – target 2005 Examined hydrology trends and developed wet/dry and seasonal scenarios Developed Regional model using GTMax with simplified transmission system Savings with regional system operation ranges from % -- highest in dry conditions ($387 million) Confirmed key role in ancillary services – regulation and contingency reserves. Significant savings from regional operation, especially in contingency reserves.
Issues and Next Steps Updating and Expanding PSS/E Model and Data - - Interface with Hydro GTMax Analysis Expand Regional Model to 2010 and Interface with World Bank/EC Study Finalize Interface between UCTE and PSS/E Software Analysis of Internal Network Bottlenecks Examination of light load/off peak conditions Generator Dynamic Models and Dynamic Stability Study Training: software, economic and financial evaluation of projects