Enterprise Europe Network and LMI: ….. Picture copyright of blackbir/dk via Flickr Dr. Henriette van Eijl European Commission ENTR D1 (innovation policy) ENTR-LMI@ec.europa.eu
Aims of the Lead Market Initiative Foster the emergence of lead markets of high economic and societal value by … creating innovation-friendly market framework conditions …. to reduce the time-to-market of new goods and services and to enable emerging sectors to grow faster.
How: a policy mix to achieve maximum impact in 6 sectors Demand-side measures - regulation standardisation - procurement clusters Package = LMI - Fiscal measures - Equity support - R&D funding … The Aho-report, followed by a Communication “Putting knowledge into practice: a broad-based innovation strategy for Europe” of 2006 Supply-side measures
Implementation: activities already started in 1st half of 2008: Policy tools Standardisation Labelling Certification Legislation Public Procurement Complementary Actions Lead Market Areas e-Health EU Recommendation for interoperability Introduce the Electronic Health Insurance Card Network to be set up by DG INFSO EU Patient Smart Open Services large scale pilot funded Sustainable construction 2nd generation of Eurocodes Screening of national building regulations Networks of European Contracting Authorities to foster demand for innovation SMEs guide on collaborative working schemes in construction Protective textiles Inventory of all relevant standards Training platform for buyers and users Bio-based products Product performance standards Inventory of legislation affecting bio-based products FP7 call on bio-refinery pilot plants Recycling Raw materials initiative Waste Framework Directive Financial support (CIP) for market replication projects Renewable energies Mandatory national targets for 2020 Guide on funding available for RE demonstration and pilot projects Timeline till 2012
Who is involved in the LMI: cooperation is key in obtaining fast implementation of the action plans Member States: Ministries of Economic/ Science Affairs, European Council, Competitiveness Council Standardisation, public procurement and regulatory organisations. Stakeholders: business organisations, NGOs, trade unions, insurance companies, regional and local authorities, VC, European Technology Platforms etc. For each sector, there is a ‘contact/advisory’ group with strong industry participation Networks: EEN, industry/SME networks, cluster networks EC internal coordination: 15 different DGs, both sector and regulatory departments of the EC.
Question: How to optimise the use of our building blocks? EEN has 3 activity modules and has established at least 6 Sector Groups in LMI sectors LMI focuses on 6 market sectors with a tailored action plan for each market
Links between LMI and EEN sector groups: LMI task force Lead DG + task force leader INTELLIGENT ENERGY Renewable Energy DG TREN, Norela Constantinescu SUSTAINABLE CONSTRUCTION Sustainable construction DG ENTR I5, Antonio Paparella HEALTHCARE eHealth, bio-based products DG INFSO, Michael Palmer TEXTILE Protective textiles DG ENTR G4, Outi Niiranen MATERIALS Bio-based products DG ENTR F5, Tomas Jonnson ENVIRONMENT/ Water & Waste management and air pollution Recycling DG ENV, Jakub Wejchert Sector group leaders and LMI task force leaders were contacted early October
Cooperation with EEN Sector groups on the basis of the 6 LMI action plans: Develop activities in regions and countries that complement the LMI activities, ex. in public procurement, regulation, standardisation Ex: stimulating innovative public procurement by bringing together local procurers and high tech SMEs in the 6 LMI sectors Ex: asking SMEs about what local/regional legislation hampers their innovation programmes in these 6 sectors Providing intelligence about LMI-related measures in MS and regions
Direct involvement of EEN partners in LMI activities and support-activities: CIP programmes, for ex.: EIP Europe INNOVA/ PRO INNO activities with LMI link Call of networks of public procurers in support of the LMI Regions of Knowledge call (FP7) with LMI link Activities funded by structural funds