Microsoft® Excel 2013
2 Use Insert Function. 1 Key and point to enter functions. 2 Navigate with and create named ranges. 3 Use range names in functions. 4 Explore function categories. 5 Use a constant. 6 Format data using icon sets. 7
A function is a built-in formula Functions do things automatically that would be difficult or time-consuming All Excel functions have syntax Syntax defines the parts of a function and the order of those parts
An argument is the data required for the function to complete its calculation A few functions that do NOT have any arguments; =now() or =today() If a function has more than one argument, the arguments are separated by COMMAS Arguments can be: Cell references (individual cells or a range) Constants (a keyed value) Another function (a nested function) Range names
The Insert Function button (fx) opens a dialog box that lists Excel functions alphabetically or by category The Insert Function button (fx) is at the left of the formula bar; the same button (fx) is also on the Formulas tab in the Function Library When you click the Insert Function button (fx) the Insert Function dialog box opens You can search for a function, choose a category, or selection a function from the most recently used
After you key a letter or two, you’ll see a list of functions that begin with those letters in Formula AutoComplete
As you key or select arguments, an Argument ScreenTip shows the syntax with the argument to be entered next in bold
A defined name is a name assigned to a single cell or to a group of cells A defined name is also referred to as a range name or a named range
Why Use Named Ranges? You can use range names for navigation You can use range names instead of cell addresses in formulas Range names are easier to remember than cell addresses You are less likely to make an error when selecting cells Range names make formulas easier to understand
Begin cell range names with a letter Do NOT use single-letter range names, such as “n” Do NOT use range names that resemble cell addresses, such as “A5” Keep range names relatively short Use uppercase letters, an underscore to separate words Do NOT use special characters such as hyphens (-) or symbols ($, %, &, #)
Define a range name with any of these methods: 1. Click the Name Box, key the range name, and press Enter. 2. Click the Define Name button on the Formulas tab. Key the range name and click OK. 3. Click the Name Manager button on the Formulas tab. Click New, key the range name, and click OK.
You can name several ranges at once
Range names can be deleted. If you delete a name that is referenced in a formula, the formula cell shows #NAME?
When you define a new range name, you can specify if it pertains to a particular sheet or to the workbook. The SCOPE is a range name’s location applicability
When you key a display trigger, range names and functions appear in Formula AutoComplete A display trigger is the first character in the range (or function) name Press F3 to display the Paste Names dialog box
You can redefine cells in a defined name. You can also change the name. Use the Name Manager dialog box for these tasks.
Excel function categories indicate the use and purpose of the functions
SUMIF is in the Math & Trig category. It sums a range of cells based on a particular criteria The SUMIF function has two arguments: range – is the group of cells criteria – is the condition that must be met
AVERAGEIF is in the Statistical category. It calculates the arithmetic mean for a range of cells based on a criteria
PMT is from the Financial category. It calculates a payment for money owed.
A constant is a named value. It is created from the New Name dialog box. It can be used like any defined name.
You can paste a list of range names and constants as documentation Use the Use in Formula button or from the Paste Name dialog box— F3 Choose Paste Names at the bottom of the list Constant
You can copy selected data from one worksheet to another when sheets are grouped Group the sheets with the data to be copied on top and visible Click the Fill button in the Editing group on the Home tab and choose Across Worksheets
Selected data on Procedures sheet will be copied to Sheet1.
An icon set is data visualization with a group of three to five images that appear with or without a value in a range of cells
Icon sets are based on rules that CAN be edited
Formulas and functions are calculations, and the names can be used interchangeably. Formulas are user-created; functions are built- in and follow specific syntax or rules. Arguments for a function or formula can be cell addresses, named ranges, constants, or another function.
You can use the Insert Function command to place built-in functions in the worksheet. The Function Arguments dialog box provides help in choosing the arguments. When you key a function name, Formula AutoComplete and ScreenTips appear to provide guidance in building the formula.
Multiple arguments in a function are separated by commas. Many functions ignore text, blank cells, error values (#NAME?), and logical values (TRUE or FALSE). A range of cells can be defined with a name.
Use range names rather than cell addresses for navigation and in formulas. In a formula, key the first character of a range name to see existing names listed in Formula AutoComplete. Range names must begin with a letter, cannot use spaces or special characters, and should be short and descriptive.
Range names can be deleted, changed, or redefined. Range names can be scoped to the workbook or to a particular sheet. You can paste a table of range names and cell references on the worksheet for documentation.
Categories classify Excel functions based on use and purpose. Some categories include sophisticated scientific, engineering, and business formulas. The SUMIF and the AVERAGEIF functions add and average values only if they meet criteria specified in the argument. The Financial function category includes PMT, which is used to calculate regular payments for money owed.
A constant is a named value. It is a value that does not change. A constant name appears like a defined name in the Name Manager dialog box and in Formula AutoComplete.
An icon set is data visualization that displays an image at the left edge of the cell based on the value. Icon sets can use three, four, or five images to represent the values.