WP7 - Architecture and implementation plan Objectives o Integrating the legal, governance and financial plans with technological implementation through a shared strategic vision for creating the EPOS legal entity o Sustainable implementation plan for EPOS construction phase o Defining the architecture of the EPOS legal entity o Guaranteeing the long term interactions with user communities
WP7 – start month 12 Task 7.1 – Research infrastructure Operability (human and technological resources) Task Leader: INGV, with relevant contributions from GFZ, ORFEUS, NERC(BGS) This task will assess and verify the inter-operability of the research infrastructures that will be integrated in EPOS in order to determine the available human and technological resources required for the design of an effective and grounded implementation plan and for its long term sustainability. Task 7.2 – Service to users and capacity building Task Leader: INGV, with relevant contributions from IG ASCR, IST, IMO, UCPH The EPOS user interface, for which hardware and software will be developed in WP6, will be established to provide a service to users and open access to multidisciplinary geosciences data, processing and modelling tools. The goal of this task is to verify and implement the quality and the quantity of the services provided to the user community. This task will work in close interaction with tasks 5.5 (WP5) and 8.2 (WP8). Develop capacity building is needed for raising awareness, and develop users skills to better manage EPOS data and research infrastructures. Capacity building initiatives will be dedicated to create the proper synergies to effectively exploit the infrastructure and its related products and services.
EPOS will act as a central coordination facility at European level for a number of projects and initiatives related to solid Earth monitoring systems, delivering essential information for the European Commission, national governments and environmental agencies for mitigation policies in response to natural hazards. Capacity building activities aim at enhancing EPOS and extending the RI also in Mediterranean countries. This will be promoted in close cooperation with the training activities in WP8. Capacity building and specific training activities will be also dedicated to professionals and managers in order to build the capacity for a better use of the EPOS data and infrastructures.
Task 7.3. – Technical lifecycle analysis and costing Task Leader: GFZ, with relevant contributions from ORFEUS, NERC(BGS), UU, INCDFP RA, CNRS Based on the inputs provided by WP6 and WP4, an analysis of possible lifecycle scenarios of the technical components of the infrastructure during construction, operation and maintenance phases will be made. Trying to anticipate technical evolutions over the next 20 years tentative cost models will be proposed and integrated in the updated Financial plan (see task 4.2.) Task 7.4. – Post-prototype overall e-infrastructure and optimization Task Leader: NERC(BGS), with relevant contributions from ORFEUS, GFZ, IG ASCR, CNRS Taking the results of WP6 (e-infrastructure) including the prototype, this task will roadmap the expected changes during the construction and operational phases especially (a) technical infrastructure (hardware including detectors, networks, storage, processing; software including advanced SOKU (service-oriented knowledge utilities); user interfaces especially knowledge assisted user portals in an ambient mobile environment; (b) user expectations including ease-of-use, intuitive dialogue structures, use of voice and gesture (multi-modal), use of multimedia (for clearer expression of queries/requests or presentation/interpretation of results; (c) volumes of data, software/processing, users; (d) legalistic aspects e.g. rights associated with data or software.
Task 7.5 – EPOS Architecture Task Leader: INGV, with relevant contributions from CNRS, ETHZ, GFZ, NERC(BGS) The EPOS construction relies on the following three main steps: (i) the establishment of a shared legal, financial and governance framework, (ii) the integration of existing national monitoring networks and infrastructures within a robust and realistic technical implementation plan relying on the development of a new e-infrastructure concept, (iii) the involvement of a wide user community in the implementation of the services provided by EPOS. This task will work during the preparatory phase to design, implement and promote this EPOS architecture plan by integrating outcomes and deliverables from all the other Working Packages and to define the final EPOS implementation plan that will be approved and reviewed by the EPOS decision-making and advisory bodies. This task will conjugate the strategic plan envisioned in WP5 with the available resources of data service providers coordinated in WP6 to better respond to the specific needs of a broad user community and to assess the optimal architecture for the EPOS infrastructure. It will verify that the EPOS Architecture and implementation plan, the operability of the distributed research infrastructure and the services provided to users during and after the preparatory phase have the necessary commitments and funds for the long term sustainability of the integrated infrastructure envisioned in EPOS
Deliverables D7.1 Assessment of operability and resources necessary to construct the infrastructure (M 30, 42). Based on deliverables D6.4 (e-infrastructure architecture report M24,36); D2.3/D3.3 (Legal organization and governance negotiated, mutual agreement of countries M 36); D4.3 (Report on financial commitments at national level M30,48) D7.2 Assessment of legal framework and financial resources for construction (M30, 42) D7.3 Verification of services to users (M 30, 42). Based on deliverable D5.3 (Report on EPOS strategic plan for users M24, 36); D8.4 (Web portal and users interfaces M6 cyclic); and on exchanges of information with the Provider’s and User’s Commission D7.4 Report on training and users’ capacity building (M 36, 42) D7.5 Report on the EPOS architecture (M42) D7.6 EPOS construction implementation plan (M48) D7.7 EPOS long term sustainability plan (M48)
Milestones M7.1 Meeting with WP2 and WP4 on legal and financial issues (M20) M7.2 Meeting or workshop with the Inter-Activity Preparatory Council (M22) M7.3 Meeting with the Provider’s and User’s Commission (M24) M7.4 National Conferences for EPOS in different countries (M24, 36) M7.5 Workshop on EPOS architecture (M 42)