EUMEDIS PILOT PROJECT Sector 4: Information and communication technologies applied in industry and innovation MED.PRIDE MED.iterranean PR.oject for I.nnovation DE.velopment
Sviluppo Italia – Med Pride Project 2 Within the EUMEDIS framework of supporting ICT innovation in Mediterranean countries SMEs, Med Pride aims at: facilitating and empowering a network of Centres of Excellence (CoE) able to: - create and develop enterprises and - to diffuse innovation in each partner Country through the use of ICT tools. PROJECT AIMS
Sviluppo Italia – Med Pride Project 3 THE PARTNERS Sviluppo Italia, Rome, Italy- Coordinator Oxford Innovation, Oxford, United Kingdom Custodia, Bergamo, Italy API-Agence de Promotion de l’Industrie, Tunis, Tunisie Ekkotek, Nicosia, Cyprus SFD-Social Fund for Development, Cairo, Egypt Foundation for International Studies, Valletta, Malta PFI-Palestinian Federation of Industries, Ramallah, Palestine Universitè Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech, Morocco CIES-Centro di Ingegneria Economica e Sociale, Cosenza, Italy Fondazione Laboratorio Mediterraneo, Napoli, Italy MTCG-Management and Technology Consulting Group, Beirut, Lebanon transfer of know-how catalysts of the innovative processes dissemination, information, awareness raising, further exploitation adapt and implement models
Sviluppo Italia – Med Pride Project 4 Coordination Training: Institutional building activity for officials from each Centre of Excellence; Enterprise creation process transfer Innovation process transfer Specific sessions on Business evaluation Design and implementation of the web portal Adapting the enterprise creation methodology PROJECT ACTIVITIES (1 /2)
Sviluppo Italia – Med Pride Project 5 PROJECT ACTIVITIES (2 /2) Adapting the Tool-Kits Implementation of the enterprise creation methodology and innovation models Monitoring and follow-up Dissemination and exploitation of the project
Sviluppo Italia – Med Pride Project 6 MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE (1/4) The overall project management is under the responsibility of the Co-ordinating partner. The project will be managed according to the following organisation: The Management Board It is chaired by the Co-ordinating partner; has one representative per Partner; is in charge of all management/administration issues. Meetings foreseen every six months.
Sviluppo Italia – Med Pride Project 7 MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE (2/4) The Project Technical Committee chaired by the Co-ordinating partner includes the Project Managers; It is in charge of the “governance” of the contents. Meetings foreseen every three months.
Sviluppo Italia – Med Pride Project 8 MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE (3/4) Each Partner appoints: a) a Project Manager, with the following responsibilities: - to participate in Project Technical Committee meetings, reporting on past and future activities; - to ensure that partner’s work is carried out according to the work programme; - to manage one or more workpackages, in accordance with the methodologies defined by the Project Technical Committee. b) an Administrative Officer who will be responsible for the provision of costs and administrative information to the Co-ordinating partner.
Sviluppo Italia – Med Pride Project 9 MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE (4/4) Whereas the Partner is also the workpackage coordinator, he/she will be responsible for: - the co-ordination of specific workpackage related activities; - taking care of drafting a detailed work-plan for the work-package or the total sub-project; - timing of activities and respect of schedules; - collecting all relevant data and feedback from other partners; - the date of issue and quality of the outputs, as defined in the global project workplan.
Sviluppo Italia – Med Pride Project 10 INTENSIVE USE OF IT Information Flows Internal flows: communication, exchange of documents and information mainly through: - the extranet working place of the web site, - electronic mail and, when necessary via fax, - videoconferences. External flows: - internet: creation of a MED PRIDE Web site, - media: publication of press releases and organisation of press conferences, co-operation with local TV and radio stations, distribution of dedicated videos, - conferences and information days: at least three information days in each country involved, - dedicated information on the project provided to any other relevant conference, seminar or event facing issues related to those of the project. METHODOLOGY OF WORK
Sviluppo Italia – Med Pride Project 11 RESULTS EXPECTED Dissemination of entrepreneurial culture and innovation culture. CoE results: - stimulation new activities - creation of new tool-kits - ability to transfer acquired know how - ability to act as catalysts for innovation - increased visibility at national and international level End users results: - Innovation technology transfer - Improved access to technology and finance - Information on IS opportunities - Improved ability to face the market - Creation of ICT enterprises
Sviluppo Italia – Med Pride Project 12 GANTT
Sviluppo Italia – Med Pride Project 13 BUDGET Total project value € ,782 Commission contribution (80%) € ,425 Applicants’ financial contribution (20%) € ,357