Egypt by Jane and Mikey
Egypt is located in Africa. The capital city is Cairo. Two other countries that share a border with Egypt are Libya and Sudan. The latitude and longitude of Cairo is 30 degrees north and 31 degrees east. Egypt is very hot and has lots of droughts. Egypt is located in Africa. The capital city is Cairo. Two other countries that share a border with Egypt are Libya and Sudan. The latitude and longitude of Cairo is 30 degrees north and 31 degrees east. Egypt is very hot and has lots of droughts. Location
Topography There are no mountains in Egypt. The Nile river is the major river. And there are no lakes. Egypt has a coastline to the Red sea and the Mediterranean sea.
Government The president of Egypt is Honsi Mubarak and the Prime Minister is Ahmed Nazif. People vote the government officials to office. The Supreme Court and Council of State make the laws. Some of the different political parties are: Democratic, Tagammil, and Tomarrow.
Economy Some of Egypt’s major exports are: corn, cotton, oranges, potatoes, rice, sugarcane, tomatoes, and wheat. Some of the major exports are: machinery equipment, foodstuffs, chemical, wood products and feuls. The way people make money is sometimes they carve statues The natural resources in Egypt are petroleum, natural gas and iron ore. The money of Egypt is called pound.
People and Culture The two main religions in Egypt are Muslim and Christian. There are three different languages: Arabic and the official languages Are English and French. The national holiday is Revolution Day and Revolution day is on July 23. The major ethnic group is Egyptian (98%). Berber, Bedouin and Beja make up 1%, while Europeans make up the other %.
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