live a “gun less” life. Genevieve Ponceti and Jaycee Morrison
Justices John Paul Stevens, David Souter, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg joined Justice Stephen Breyer in a dissenting opinion that states.... “for every intruder stopped by a homeowner with a firearm, there are 4 gun-related accidents within the home." ethos
There should be gun control in the United States of America proposition
o As you can see the united states has the highest rate in gun- related murder. killings-than-any-other-developed-country/ logos
In 2013 over 12,000 people have died from shootings. Many people commit suicidal actions through the use of guns. This map shows reported shootings that had occurred in In 2013 over 12,000 people have died from shootings. Many people commit suicidal actions through the use of guns. This map shows reported shootings that had occurred in pathos
The following states are allowing individuals to have permits that allows them to carry guns: 1.Alaska 2.Arizona 3.Arkansas 4.Colorado 5.Florida 6.Georgia 7.Idaho 8.Indiana 9.Iowa 10.Kansas 11.Kentucky 12.Louisiana 13.Maine 14.Michigan 15.Minnesota 16.Mississippi 17.Missouri 18.Montana 19.Nebraska 20.Nevada 21.New Hampshire 22.New Mexico 23.North Carolina 24.North Dakota 25.Ohio 26.Oklahoma 27.Oregon 28.Pennsylvania 29.Rhode Island 30.South Carolina 31.South Dakota 32.Tennessee 33.Texas 34.Utah 35.Vermont 36.Virginia 37.Washington 38.West Virginia 39.Wisconsin 40.Wyoming
live a “gun less” life. Genevieve Ponceti and Jaycee Morrison
The people who are for gun control would be able to say that the murder rate would decrease. Anyone against gun control would say that not only does gun control not reduce crime and murder rates, but it actually makes them rise Point of view from both sides
The American Academy of Pediatrics stated, "handguns, deadly air guns and assault weapons should be banned.” ethos
During 2008, the united states has reported as many as 16,272 murders committed. About 67% was said to be from the use of guns. logos
ml pathos ► Nov 22, 1963 marks the day that president John F. Kennedy was assassinated