Workshop on: Marine environment and fisheries – applying the new CFP and environment policy together Carl O’Brien, Defra/Cefas Claus Hagebro, ICES
MSFD implementation – latest development Results ICES D3+ workshop (WKD3R, January 2014) Carl O’Brien, Defra/Cefas Claus Hagebro, ICES
Workshop to draft recommendations for the assessment of Descriptor D3 (WKDR3) ICES HQ, Copenhagen, Denmark. o January 2014 Three Terms of Reference (ToRs) Regional assessments for the four marine regions of MSFD: o Baltic Sea o North-east Atlantic Ocean o Mediterranean Sea o Black Sea 5-days workshop: 2-days (agreement on common approach), 3-days (application to each marine region)
Chair and facilitators
Common approach for D3 agreed
Generic report structure for each of the four marine regions of MSFD:
Generic report structure... continued Section 3 – Baltic Sea Region Section 4 – North-east Atlantic Region Section 5 – Mediterranean Sea Region Section 6 – Black Sea Region
Three criteria and associated indicators
Three criteria … continued
Data categories - DLS 1Data rich stocks with an accepted analytical assessment and forecast for MSY 2Data rich stocks with an analytical assessment and forecast accepted for trends only 3Stocks with survey-based assessments indicating trends 4Stocks with reliable time-series of catch data to approximate MSY 5Only catch or landings available 6Only landings available and largely discarded Each category has several available methods.
Methods framework
D3 assessment and DLS Important to: o Build on existing/available data o Proxies will be developed/used as an interpretation of what relates to MSY ICES’ concept of target categories o Recognises economic constraints on data o Continue development of policy-relevant approaches for DLS
Step 1 – list and selection E.g. Baltic Sea Region (92% landed are assessed)
Step 2 – catalogue and document E.g. Black Sea Region... truncated list shows 11 of the 25 stocks in the region
Step 3 – evaluation by functional group Functional groups considered as necessary by WKD3R: o Pelagic stocks o Demersal stocks o Shellfish stocks o Elasmobranchs o Deep-sea species Overall summary provided, too.
Step 3... continued E.g. North-east Atlantic Region/North Sea sub-region only
Step 3... continued E.g. Mediterranean Sea Region o Regional scale requires coordination across GSAs E.g. one EU Member State (GSA 22 & 23)
Step 4 – status, issues, gaps and links Data rich (following maps by MSFD Region): o Baltic Sea Region o North-east Atlantic Region o Mediterranean Sea Region o Black Sea Region For each MSFD Region: o Fishing mortality (left-hand figure) o Spawning stock biomass (right-hand figure, if available)
Baltic Sea Region
North-east Atlantic Region
Mediterranean Sea Region SSB unavailable
Black Sea Region SSB unavailable
Step 4... continued Data-limited (DLS): o Build on existing/available data o Proxies are being, and will be, developed/used as an interpretation of what relates to MSY o Recognises economic constraints on data o Continuing development of policy-relevant approaches
Step 4... continued E.g. Baltic Sea Region – ICES’ DLS approach:
Step 4... continued For each of the four marine regions of MSFD: o Issues identified with respect to D3 o Problems to be resolved o Gaps to be rectified o Links to other MSFD Descriptors, such as D1 and D4 o Consult report for full details: ICES CM 2014/ACOM:50 Subsequently, these have been reviewed by ACOM and form part of their advice issued last month (March 2014) o To be presented and discussed tomorrow
Summary WKD3R: o January 2014 o ICES HQ, Copenhagen, Denmark o ICES CM 2014/ACOM:50 Draft report sent for consultation to EU’s Member States o Factual comments o Other comments (general/political) Basis of ICES’ advice: o Released March 2014 o To be presented and discussed tomorrow