CROSS-LIVING 2 Acts 21-23: In the Kosmos. John 12:24 Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone;


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Presentation transcript:

CROSS-LIVING 2 Acts 21-23: In the Kosmos

John 12:24 Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. “All those who take up the sword shall perish by the sword.”- JC Jesus: Cross-Bearer Stalin: Sword Fighter

Jesus: Cross-Bearer Stalin: Sword Fighter I’m NICE! I’m not

Jesus: Cross-Bearer Stalin: Sword Fighter

Legalists 21:17-32  Offended by God’s Grace.  Disdain “Dirty Heathens”  “If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men.” Romans 12:18  NOT “Peace at any price”

"Woe to you when all men speak well of you, for their fathers used to treat the false prophets in the same way.” Luke 6:26

Keep your behavior excellent among the Gentiles, so that in the thing in which they slander you as evildoers, they may because of your good deeds, as they observe them, glorify God in the day of visitation. 1 Peter 2:12 Keep your behavior excellent among the Gentiles, so that in the thing in which they slander you as evildoers, they may because of your good deeds, as they observe them, glorify God in the day of visitation. 1 Peter 2:12

Adverse People 22:1-23  Forgive Boldly "If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me.” Luke 9:23 "Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.”Matthew 10:34

Adverse People 22:1-23  Forgive Boldly Especially Families For the unbelieving husband is sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified through her believing husband; for otherwise your children are unclean, but now they are holy. 1 Corinthians 7:14

Adverse People 22:1-23  Forgive Boldly  Testify Boldly For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation… Romans 1:16

DANGEROUS People 22:23-23:10  Don’t strike back! Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, "VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY," says the Lord. Romans 12:19 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21

DANGEROUS People 22:23-23:10  Don’t strike back!  Don’t be presumptuous! Paul, looking intently at the Council, said, " Brethren, I have lived my life with a perfectly good conscience before God up to this day." Acts 23:1

DANGEROUS People 22:23-23:10  Don’t strike back!  Don’t be presumptuous!  Get Outta There! Do not answer a fool according to his folly, Or you will also be like him. Proverbs 26:4

“…the accuser of our brethren has been thrown down, he who accuses them before our God day and night. And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death. Revelation 12:10-11 for He Himself has said, "I WILL NEVER DESERT YOU, NOR WILL I EVER FORSAKE YOU," Hebrews 13:5

“Take Courage!” There’s LOTS of…  Legalists  Confused  Adverse  Dangerous