Matthew 5:8 Mark 14:38
Principle 1 Realize I’m not God; I admit I am powerless to control my tendency to do the wrong thing and my life is unmanageable.
Principle 2 Earnestly believe that God exists, that I matter to Him, and that He has the power to help me recover.
Principle 3 Consciously choose to commit all my life and will to Christ’s care and control.
Principle 4 Openly examine and confess my faults to myself, to God, and to others.
Principle 5 Voluntarily submit to every change God wants to make in my life and humbly ask him to remove my character defects.
Principle 6 Evaluate all my relationships. Offer forgiveness to those who’ve hurt me and make amends for the harm I’ve done to others, except when to do so would harm them or others.
Today’s Principle Reserve a daily time with God for self-examination, Bible reading, and prayer in order to know God and His will for my life and to gain the power to follow His will.
“Happy are the pure in heart” Matthew 5:8. “Watch and pray so you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak” Mark 14:38
How a relapse happens Complacency – Comfortable with short-term gains – Stop doing what got us this far – Drop out of support systems
How a relapse happens Confusion – Start to rationalize our old pattern – Wasn’t really that big of a problem – One time is not going to hurt
How a relapse happens Compromise – Return to place of temptation (mall, 31 flavors, bar, casino, etc. – Start sliding in the little things
How a relapse happens Catastrophe – Give into the hurt, hang-up or habit – Relapse is the result
What causes a relapse? Revert to my willpower – “Are you so foolish, after beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal through human effort” (Galatians 3:3) ? – “It is not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord” (Zechariah 4:6).
What causes a relapse? Ignore one or more steps – Move through to quickly – “You were running a good race. Who cut in on you and kept you from obeying the truth” (Galatians 5:7).
What causes a relapse? Trying to recover without support – Remember: It’s relational! – “If one falls down, his friend can help him up (Ecclesiastes 4:10). – No long-term recovery without support
What causes a relapse? Becoming prideful – “Pride goes before destruction; a haughty spirit before a fall” – Proverbs 16:18 – Pride blinds us to our weaknesses – Blame others □ O Δ – “Me! You’re showing the pictures
How can I prevent a relapse? Evaluate – “Let us examine our ways and test them...” Lamentations 3:40. – Physical: What is my body telling me? – Emotional: What am I feeling? – Relational: Am I at peace with others? – Spiritual: Am I relying on God?
How can I prevent a relapse? Meditate – slow down to listen – “be like a tree planted by the waters” (Psalm 1:1-3). – Roots will grow deep
How can I prevent a relapse? Pray – Come to your loving Father! – Lord’s Prayer “Our Father... Hallowed” – step 1 and 2 “Your will... Your kingdom come”– step 5 “Give us... Daily bread” – Step 3 “Forgive us our debts” – Step 4 “As we forgive others” – Step 6 “Lead us not into temptation” – Step 7