Bill Henzlik’s Journey
Socially awkward Patience is needed by all Mistypes
“I like how people immediately change how they view me when I communicate with them.” “People are bad at labeling others.” FC is my way of getting them to re-label me. I use FC to show that I am a capable person.
“Always had help with writing and labeling shape and objects on my Magnadoodle.” “Reading early helped with my ability to use language.”
About Me Happy go Lucky “Guys Guy” Like: NASCAR Music (Pink Floyd to Andrea Bocelli) Chicago Sports Go Cubs Go Bears Physical Activities Gymnastics Personal Training Swimming My sister says “Still water runs deep”
1. Independence is being able to do what you want by yourself. 2. Peace of Mind means I don’t have to worry about being voiceless in my future.
4. Respect and Dignity 5. Have my Family and Friends close by 6. Be an example for others, like ourselves, and teach we are worthy of respect, love and a place in this world.
FC Helped me to Become: Voter (I have voted in every election since I was 18) MicroBoard Co-President Knight of Columbus
Student (currently working on my GED) Writer (the joy of being creative & helped me become more expressive) Lion’s Club
1. Order Food in a Restaurant 2. Talk to my doctors and nurses 3. Talk to my teachers 4. Participate in Board Meetings 5. Talk with politicians 6. Make my choices known about clothing, outings, participation etc.
“ Be bold periodically ” Talk to someone new every once and a while. You will get better at communication if you do this.
“It takes an understanding of language use, on the typers part, to communicate effectively with FC.”
My Observations Patience is Important, Important!
IPad is easiest to type on Cell phone w/ QWERTY keyboard is my favorite b/c very portable & common, most socially normal I “like using everyday words, easy to use and understand.”
Darlene Hanson always saw my ability and that gave me confidence to try. Nate and Joey overcame their obstacles to communicate, I could try.
“ Belief in the typer is more important than help ” Teacher: Lynette Olexa FC Master Instructors: Darlene Hanson Christi Kasa-Hendrickson Rita Rubin Friend, Mentor, Guide: Wendy Partridge
1. Patience is Important, Important, Important! 2. Belief in the typer is more important than anything else. 3. “Often people make us less than we can be by no belief” in us.
Thank You!