Fall Opportunity Sale While you wait… Locate your 2015 Parent Permission Form and complete it now!
Sept. 21-Oct. 1: Parent Meetings Oct 2 – 18: Girls Taking Orders Oct 19: Girl/Parent input orders Oct 20: Troop Leader confirm orders Nov 2-6: Product Delivered to designated sites Nov 7-22: Girls delivering Nov 21: Cupboards Close Nov 23: Money due from girls January: Recognitions arrive Key Dates
o Mint Trefoils (Girl Scout Bank Tin) o Peppermint Bark-It’s back! (Gift Tin) o Salsa Mix (Value Jar) o GORP Mix (Value Jar) o Fruit Snacks-NEW! (20 per box) o Cracked Pepper & Sea Salt Cashew-NEW! o Chocolate Covered Almonds o Whole Cashews o Honey Roasted Peanuts o Pecan Supremes (Gift Box) o Peanut Butter Monkeys (Gift Box) o Dark Chocolate Sea Salt Caramels (Gift Box)
$50 C2S sales $20 C2S sales
Selling Guidelines Girls collect money when they deliver the nut/candy products. This is a family and friends sale. Girls sell only to family, friends and neighbors they know. No door-to-door or booth sales.
Girls Who: Are registered Girl Scouts for 2016 Are current with their financial obligations Have a signed Parent Permission Form
Girl & Parent Instructions for Participation
Landing page personalized by Council
Girls and parents register and create a personalized storefront™ The copy is personalized
Girls create Me2™, an avatar of themselves
Girls earn virtual rewards for completing steps that drive results Girls view their Me2 avatar’s room, virtual rewards, and troop photo at the end
ADD another Girl Scout!
Manage your SUCCESS from your Dashboar d
Personalized sales flyer Tip for Girls: Print copies to give to customers when taking orders on your traditional order card Give a few copies to your parents Print an Online Sales Flyer
Girls can upload a picture or take a selfie Councils, troops, and/or girls can upload their own videos
After sending s, share on social media too
Enter s individually or import your contact list
Friends and family receive personalized s
Friends and family see the girl’s goal, message, picture and video while they shop Online Magazine Sales
1.Customers order and pay for magazines with credit card 2.Order is automatically added to girls account 3.Girls can view their magazine sales in their online account Online Magazines
Online Nut Sales M2 Media Group’s technology provides a unified shopping experience for nuts too
Nut & Candy Online Customers Have Two Options
PROMISE Orders *DO NOT input these orders into the order system. This is done automatically when customer places their order. 1.Customer orders nut/candy through the link 2.Order is automatically added to the girls account 3.Product will come in with Direct Order Card orders 4.Girls are responsible for delivery and collecting payment.
1.Customers order and pay online with a credit card, including shipping fees. 2.Expanded line of nut/candy 3. Order is automatically added to the girls account 4.Product is automatically shipped to customers home Purchasing Nuts/Candy Online
r Recap Online Program Customers have 3 options: 1.Purchase magazines online 2.Make a nut/candy PROMISE 3.Purchase nut/candy online
Direct Order Card
From your DASHBOARD select Manage Paper Orders to enter your Direct Order Card orders NOTE: DO NOT enter PROMISE orders
Call ahead! Contact your Troop FOS Manager for additional product needs. She/he will need to confirm product availability. Cupboards Nov Council Offices
Orders due in online system by 11:00pm CST October 19 Parent Reminder
Extra Fun! 5 ft Girls have a chance to take me home if she sells $1,000 or more! Personalized AVATAR Patch Girls who sell $300 in Online Sales will receive a personalized patch in the mail!
Materials for Girls 4 4
Stand Tall and Keep Calm Contact your Troop FOS Manager to start selling today!