The students will add and subtract fractions with like denominators. The students will simplify fractions. The students will find least common denominators. The students will find a common denominator to add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators.
2.1 Numbers, Number Systems and Number Relationships D Use models to represent fractions. G Develop and apply number theory concepts to represent numbers in various ways. 2.2 Computation and Estimation C Develop and apply algorithms to solve word problems that involve addition and/or subtraction with factions that include like and unlike denominators
Copy the Denominator Add the top
Are you ready to add and subtract fractions with common denominators?
If you can count by a number other than 1 to reach both parts of the fraction!
Time to Practice!!!!
Make a list of multiples for each denominator. Circle the common multiples. What is the least common denominator???
Let’s practice finding the least common denominators!
Set-up the Problem Finding the
Find the common denominator Make equivalent fractions Copy the denominator Add the top
Are you up to the challenge???
Slide 1 and 9 Math Mastery: Fractions. Math Mastery (2001). Retrieved November 4, 2008, from Discovery Education: Slide 6 Example 1: Adding Fractions with a Common Denominator--Baking Cake. Discovery Channel School (2005). Retrieved November 4, 2008, from Discovery Education: Slide 15 Example 3: Adding Fractions with Different Denominators--Serving Salsa. Discovery Channel School (2005). Retrieved November 4, 2008, from Discovery Education: