THE RESEARCH PAPER Let the journey begin…..
What is a research paper? A research paper is a carefully planned essay that shares information or proves a point.
Choosing a topic Am I truly interested in the subject? Is the subject limited enough so that research will not be overwhelming? Is the topic broad enough so that I have access to enough information?
Narrowing a Topic Topic Given/chosen: Child Abuse Step 1: Ask/record specific questions you wish to know about the topic. Is physical punishment like spanking abuse? If so, when and why? What age groups are affected most by this type of abuse? Is our state higher or lower in the rankings for this type of abuse?
Narrowing a Topic Step 2: For each question brainstorm or freewrite ideas that can help guide your search for info and record them. Physical Punishment-spanking abuse? what used?age of child?laws? where lengthtoo young or old NY or US public body part safety angerCPS jail
Writing a thesis statement… A specific subject + a particular stand, feeling, or feature = an effective thesis statement This can be the start your introduction
Thesis Checklist Meets the requirements of assignment Identifies a limited, specific subject Focuses on a particular feature or feeling about a subject Supported with convincing facts and details Stated in a clear, direct sentence (or sentences)
Sample thesis: Writing assignment: Research paper about social issue Subject: Homeless people Thesis statement: Who are the homeless (SUBJECT) and what are the reasons for their predicament?(FEATURE) Writing assignment: Research paper about human growth and development Subject: Personality traits Thesis statement: Certain personality traits(SUBJECT) are shaped primarily by the person’s peer group. (POSITION)
Searching Tips Begin by writing some basic questions that you would like to answer in you report. Any time you find information that answers a question, take notes on it.
PRIMARY An original source: Diary Person Event Survey Etc. TYPES of INFORMATION SECONDARY Not an original source: Magazine article Web site Encyclopedia, journal, etc. Documentary
Information PACKAGES Personal sources (interviews) Books Reference works Periodicals Audiovisual Electronic Mail Government or business publications
Information PLACES Libraries Computer resources Mass media Learning sites Government Research sites Conference sites Workplace
EVALUATING the INFORMATION Is the information current (date)? Is the information complete (answers my question in a way I understand)? Is the information accurate (author/ source)? Is the source an expert (publisher/website)? Is your source biased (opinion vs. fact)?
Bibliography Cards Use to keep track of sources Organize by author’s last name Number each entry in the upper right hand corner of the card 5 Olsen, Shawn M. Chocolate Lover’s Guide. Hayti: Charger Publishing, 1987.
Note cards: –Record details, information, quotations –Record page number where information can be found –Use descriptive word or heading at top 5 Delicious ways to enjoy chocolate -a handful of chocolate chips -chocolate ice cream with Hershey's syrup -“Chocolate/chocolate cake at Café is the BEST!” -Ghiradelli hot chocolate -homemade brownies
Writing the draft “When you are writing nonfiction, there’s no use getting into a writing schedule until you’ve done the research and you have the material.” -Tom Wolfe
Getting started... Arrange your note cards into their most logical order. Construct an outline---a writing plan Search for any additional information needed to develop thesis
1.Developing your introduction- ( In an APA paper you can use much of your abstract for this) 2. Writing the body- 3. Writing the conclusion-
4.Revising- (order and sufficient ideas) 5.Proofreading and Editing- (full varied sentences, grammar, Spelling, punctuation) 6. APA or MLA Documentation-
Giving proper credit Reference page (author, year, title of source, Website or publisher) In Paper Citations for quotes or paraphrased material (author, year)
AVOIDING PLAGIARISM -the act of presenting someone else’s ideas as your own.
Final copy requirements- Title page Abstract (APA only) Page Headings Intro Body Conclusion Works Cited/ References
Example of a completed research paper du/
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