SUCCESS AND FAILURE FACTORS IN THE INTRODUCTION OF eGOVERNMENT SERVICES Nikolay Vassilev Minister of State Administration and Administrative Reform Republic of Bulgaria
2 Readiness Environment Indicators GDP Fixed line penetration Mobile penetration PC penetration Internet usage IT literacy rate ICT expenditure rate Economic growth Budget spending
3 Political leadership National e-Strategy ICT infrastructure Legal framework Human capital Financial resources Critical Success Factors Technology Management Partnership Access Education Culture Time…
4 Lack of internal drivers Lack of vision and strategy Poor project management Poor change management Dominance of politics and self-interest Poor/unrealistic design Inadequate technological infrastructure Technological incompatibility Critical Failure Factors
5 PROCESS Lack of process models Status analysis Poor legal frameworks Complex procurement
6 Critical Failure Factors PEOPLE Lack of political will Officials apathy Shortage of champions Lack of skills in e-government
7 Critical Failure Factors TECHNOLOGY Lack of architectures Lack of standards Poor communication Infrastructure Hardware-driven approach
8 Critical Failure Factors RESOURCES Budget constraints at central level at regional and municipal level Lack of project management skills
9 Bulgaria Success factors in place 1.Political will to reform the administration 2.Organizational – new Ministry of State Administration 3.Financial support from the state budget 4.Information society dynamic development