Welcome! Warm up What has been the most challenging part about writing your essay on language? What has been the least challenging part of writing your essay on language? Warm up should be at least 4 lines as usual Homework/announcements: Hw: Final Draft of essay due on Monday! Help with drafts Topic/Goals Peer edit essays to improve format and ideas Today’s Agenda 1. Announcements 2. Share Warm up 3. Peer edit 4. Wrap up
An Introduction Main goal: State your thesis clearly (usually at end of intro) Hook reader into paper – why is this an interesting or relevant topic Secondary purpose: State how paper is organized (might want to share what will be in each section) Explain how you will prove your thesis What will be your reasons for your thesis being correct? PROVIDE A ROAD MAP FOR OUR BRAIN-DEAD readers
A Conclusion: Main goal: Remind reader what the point of the paper was Introduce something new that the reader can take away from reading your argument. (what is the point?!?) Secondary purpose: Show reader how they arrived at your conclusion and how your argument is correct Tie the whole paper up in a few sentences Not just what was said, but overall steps you took to prove you are right.
Peer Editing Checklist: Thing’s to look for when peer editing The paper’s organizational structure clear? Does the author develop their thesis in a reasonable way? Is all the information in the right sections where it belongs? The sentences are clear and to the point; each one builds and relates to the others. Explain. The grammar, sentence structure and flow all read nicely; it is not distracting. You enjoy reading the words. Indicate and explain how the author can improve the patterns of the sentences and make it more consistent and “reader-friendly” The author uses ideas and concepts from class to further their argument.
Goodbye! Wrap up? How do you feel about your essay going into the weekend? Announcements Essay Homework: Final drafts of essay due on Monday We will be peer editing