IRISLink February 2009 EUROPEAN COMMISSION SECRETARIAT-GENERAL SG-B-5 Document Management Policy Electronic records and archives management at the European Commission Peter Handley Head of Unit SG.B5
IRISLink February 2009 EUROPEAN COMMISSION SECRETARIAT-GENERAL SG-B-5 Document Management Policy What is the European Commission’s electronic records and archives management policy? The challenges: organisational change and staff acceptance The challenges: the development of efficient, user friendly tools Co-operation with other Institutions and Member States
IRISLink February 2009 EUROPEAN COMMISSION SECRETARIAT-GENERAL SG-B-5 Document Management Policy The starting point (2000): a diverse and decentralised paper based records management culture The objective: a modern, trustworthy, transparent and efficient electronic records and archives management Contribution to risk management and business continuity The means: new rules, a new organisational structure, new tools, …. E-Domec: a Commission wide project that has consequences for the organisation and its staff at all levels The European Commission’s electronic records and archives management policy
IRISLink February 2009 EUROPEAN COMMISSION SECRETARIAT-GENERAL SG-B-5 Document Management Policy E-Domec RegistrationProduction / Reception FilingPreservationElimination / Transfer to Historical Archives ARES (2008) 2438
IRISLink February 2009 EUROPEAN COMMISSION SECRETARIAT-GENERAL SG-B-5 Document Management Policy Assigning responsibility for records and archives management at different levels Achieving a uniform application of the new rules across all Commission departments Staff awareness and acceptance : Involving staff at all levels Explaining the rules and why we need them Training User friendly applications Change in culture, working methods …… CHALLENGES: organisational change & staff acceptance
IRISLink February 2009 EUROPEAN COMMISSION SECRETARIAT-GENERAL SG-B-5 Document Management Policy Management of a large project in a multinational organisation Reconciling the interests of different stakeholders Meeting different expectations (records managers, IT specialists, management, users) ….. IT application In-house development based on Documentum Modular approach Central database ….. CHALLENGES: the development of IT tools
IRISLink February 2009 EUROPEAN COMMISSION SECRETARIAT-GENERAL SG-B-5 Document Management Policy Policy: monitoring and review Progressive roll-out across the Commission of the new EDRMS between 2008 and 2010 Continued development: Preservation and historical archives Integration with other applications Public register …. STATE OF PLAY
IRISLink February 2009 EUROPEAN COMMISSION SECRETARIAT-GENERAL SG-B-5 Document Management Policy Electronic signature Document management and Collaborative work Other business processes (financial circuits, legislative procedures…) Future orientations
IRISLink February 2009 EUROPEAN COMMISSION SECRETARIAT-GENERAL SG-B-5 Document Management Policy Interinstitutional cooperation on archives European Archives Group European projects: legal database, an internet portal for archives in Europe,.. DLM Forum and Moreq2 CO-OPERATION WITH OTHER INSTITUTIONS AND THE MEMBER STATES
IRISLink February 2009 EUROPEAN COMMISSION SECRETARIAT-GENERAL SG-B-5 Document Management Policy
IRISLink February 2009 EUROPEAN COMMISSION SECRETARIAT-GENERAL SG-B-5 Document Management Policy Some interesting links E-Domec: Archival Policy: DLM Forum: EURONOMOS:
IRISLink February 2009 EUROPEAN COMMISSION SECRETARIAT-GENERAL SG-B-5 Document Management Policy Informal collaboration work & records management Long-term preservation s In-house development or off the shelf Change and project management in large organisations
IRISLink February 2009 EUROPEAN COMMISSION SECRETARIAT-GENERAL SG-B-5 Document Management Policy common Repository Ares CIS-Net SG-Vista HERMES DG 1 DG 2 DG 1 DG 2 DG 1 Application N NOMCOM