2015 1990 1 Tools for Civil Society to Understand and Use Development Data: Improving MDG Policymaking and Monitoring Module 1: Introduction to the Course.


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Presentation transcript:

Tools for Civil Society to Understand and Use Development Data: Improving MDG Policymaking and Monitoring Module 1: Introduction to the Course

Contents Main objective of the training programmeMain objective of the training programme Purpose of the training programmePurpose of the training programme What you will be able to do at the end of itWhat you will be able to do at the end of it Practical arrangementsPractical arrangements

Context In recent years statistics on human development have improved considerably, hence the challenge is increasingly shifting from data collection to managing the stock of statistics and bringing it into the policy process

Main Objective Build national capacity to monitor the Millennium Development Goals and contribute to the improved use of evidence-based methodologies for the management of development policies by building the statistical literacy of a large number of users across Government and Civil Society

Course Outline Training in MDGs and indicatorsTraining in MDGs and indicators Applications in national and sub-national policy making and advocacyApplications in national and sub-national policy making and advocacy Format: Modular course (see agenda)Format: Modular course (see agenda)

Purpose of the Course 1.Raise awareness of MDGs and MDG indicators 2.Discuss their role in policy making and advocacy 3.Educate users in correct and effective use of indicators 4.Raise communication skills needed to convey relevant information to target audiences

What you will be able to do at the end of this course…

Understand the definitions of the Millennium Development Goals and how they relate to their targets and indicators Direct indicator The death rate of children under five years of age Direct Indicator Infant mortality rate Goal 4 Reduce child mortality Target 5 Reduce by two thirds between 1990 and 2015 the mortality rate among children under five Indirect indicator proportion of 1- year-old children immunized against measles

Understand the role that MDGs can play in the policy process Identify issues and areas that require intervention, and decide upon reasonable targets Measure the size of a development need, and the resources required to deal with it Measure the size of a development need, and the resources required to deal with it Provide evidence to governments and donors that intervention is required Provide evidence to governments and donors that intervention is required Target specific groups and geographical areas with differing needs and conditions Target specific groups and geographical areas with differing needs and conditions

Understand the role that MDGs can play in effective advocacy Goals and targets define the expectations against which civil society and other stakeholders can hold governments accountable Indicators provide the evidence needed to monitor progress and advocate for policy change.

Understand the link between MDG indicators and the data on which they are based Surveys HH Survey Labor force survey and etc. Censuses data Adminrecords Indicator

Reliably assess and use information about uncertainty in the production of MDG indicators Uncertainty Sample size Bias Timeliness Timeliness

Use MDG indicators to measure progress towards national goals and to monitor national and sub-national development strategies

Use MDG indicators to reflect diversity: Compare and contrast MDG indicators relating to global, regional levels

Use MDG indicators to reflect diversity: Compare and contrast MDG indicators relating to national and sub-national levels

Use MDG indicators to reflect diversity: Disaggregate MDG indicators to explore progress by critical sub-populations Educational enrolment at various levels by gender, Azerbaijan, 1998 girls boys Kindergarten (3-5 years) Primary (6-9 years) Lower secondary (10-14 years) Upper secondary general (15-17 years) Vocational (15-17 years) Technical (15-17 years) Source: Ministry of Education, Azerbaijan Country Report to UNESCO 1999, and UNICEF, MONEE

Style of the course Mixture of lectures, practicals and discussionMixture of lectures, practicals and discussion Relaxed style – questions and comments encouragedRelaxed style – questions and comments encouraged Participants’ experience and opinions will be valuableParticipants’ experience and opinions will be valuable

Practical 1 Split into groups. How wide is the awareness of MDGs in your country? What role do the MDGs play in national policy making? What role do the MDGs play in advocacy? What potential improvements do you see in these three areas in your country?