Abbreviated Background Information Pre 16th century Iberian Peninsula made of disparate provinces Basques independent Early 16th century Spain first formed Basques have self-rule, but under Spain Franco rules Spain Basque culture and language outlawed
Jaiak (Festival)
Part 1: Interviews ¿Hablas español? No anonymity How much do you pry? Aesthetics vs. content Heavy equipment Weather permitting
Part 2: Editing No train Influences Entertainment vs. education
What Basques Value Land Laws Language
Euskal Herria Language is the outward manifestation of Basque heritage.
Askerrik asko! Gracias! Thank you! Professor Conaway Mentors Sponsors IROP staff SCAN TV Family and Friends
Works Cited Barandiaran, J.M “On the Conservation of the Basque Peoples.” Man. 46: Kurlansky, Mark The Basque History of the World. New York, NY: Penguin Group. MacClancy, Jeremy “The Culture of Radical Basque Nationalism.” Anthropology Today. 4:17-19.