Wide area SPS for Integrating SR with national grid Approach Document prepared by
Indian grid
Problems that might arise Transmission of system events to SR regions New congested transmission corridors Load encroachments and power swing Protection malfunction(Zone-3 philosophy may fire back) Inadequate reactive power compensation at right node may leading to voltage collapse Local SPS may be inadequate during remedial actions Island from WR on instability to safeguard SR
Possibilities remedial or preventive Redirect power flows by HVDC ramping Ensuring primary frequency response from generators PSS tuning for power swings TCSC, SVC for reactive power compensation Supervisory control on Zone-3 protection Tripping Integrate existing schemes for control actions
Solution Enhanced situational awareness based on PMU + Applications(OMS, VSM) Centralized RAS Controller Logic building, Arming, Triggering from SRLDC Online power system network evaluation TSA for contingencies
Proposed Solution Centralized RAS
Proposed System architecture Sync 2101 PMU Substation-01 Substation-02 Substation-03 PDC Telecom Network (Breaker status UFLS,UV etc) Open Command & Over ride signal to IED (Breaker status UFLS,UV etc) Open Command & Over ride signal to IED Tables,Triggers,GOOSE G G G G G G IEC 61850C Adapter eDNA Historian Substation-04 Historian PDC Visualization & Reports SPS User interface Telecom Network
Power Apps(power flow data base) Data from eDNA (Angle,V,MW,MVAr,Hz) DATA from SCADA (Status,MW.MVAr,V,I) SPS tables (Set1,Set2,Set3) Triggers & Events (network tie line trippings-1-5, Over loading, Oscillations) Improved State estimation using Phasor data Power flow engine(Simulate Events and evaluate each SPS action tables) Boundary limits (Voltage,angle,MW.MVAr,I,Hz, angle) Transient Analysis engine(For all events) Model Verify the results with boundary condition and rank SPS action table based on no. of violation and severity High & Low Limits (Angle,V,MW,MVAr,Hz)
SPS action evaluation Sl.NoSPS availability EventSPS evaluated Violations identifiedRank 1YESContingency-1SPS-1Total 20 violation & 10 critical violations 5 2YESContingency-1SPS-2Total 10 violation & 5 critical violations 4 3YESContingency-1SPS-3Total 5 violation & 3critical violations 2 4YESContingency-1SPS-1 &2Total 5 violation & 1critical violations 1 4YESContingency-1SPS-1 & 2 &3 5 critical violations3
Output of analysis Trig- 1(contin gency-1) Trig- 2(contin gency-2) Trig3 (conting ency-3) Trig 4(contin gency-4) Trig5 (conting ency-5) Trig6 (contin gency- 6) SPS-1 SPS-2 SPS-3 SPS-4 SPS-5 SPS-6 SPS-7 SPS-8 SPS-9 SPS-10
PDC with logic builder C PMU-1 Logic Builder (PMU1.A ngle- PMU2.An gle) Angular instability triggers IEC61850 Goose trigger manger Centralized trigger generation PMU-2 PMU-n RTU-2 Sync2101 RTU-1 (Sync2101) IEC client Logic Builder RTU1.Stat us & RTU2.Stat Multiple transmiss ion line trip Analog data RTU-3 Sync2101 SPS Selection Status change SPS Selection SPS-local
Sync 2101(Trig manger node) Status change Trigger external SPS action-01 SPS action-02SPS action-03SPS action-04 Status Change Inputs/external trigger SPS RTU(existing) SPS scheme interface (Sync 2101)
Approach System events and severity analysis (eg: interconnection failure, interconnecting transmission overloading, power import, export, contingency ranking, voltage critical buses, VP- VQ curves. System study for identifying subsets of the network which can maintain under disturbance. Done through load flow studies, transient stability analysis, voltage stability analysis using state estimation output and pre-defined contingency set. Analyzing communication requirement. Utilizing PMU data for better islanding & state estimation. On line contingency evaluation using power system tools for deriving remedial actions.
As is Study Data collection: Details of Generating stations & substations with in the area. Collection of the state estimation outputs in IEEE format for several possible operating scenarios, peak load, light load, summer load, winter load etc. Identification of sustainable operational areas with in SRLDC. Identification of operational subsets (load pattern and generation availability) Identifying number of substations & feeder to be involved in system operation. Communication medium and latency analysis. Contingency study involving load flow, static contingency, dynamic contingency, voltage stability, OPF solutions. Islanding scheme derivation(UF,UV,df/dt,dv/dt). [done through transient stability analysis based on state estimation outputs and specified contingencies] Utilizing PMU data for analysis [Done through enhanced state estimation, valid only if there are significant measurements from PMU]
List of use cases/contingencies 1.Centralized operation 1.Centralized manual trigger(Operator driven) 2.Transmission line overloading(PMU based) 3.Islanding (Manual/OMS trigger) 2.Automatic 1.Line trips, Gen trips(Breaker trips) 2.SPS specific backup Protection trip (UF/OF,OV/UV)
PMUs Flow control with WR HVDC Asynchronous link Synchronous link Centralised SPS for flow control with WR
PMUs SPS for individual transmission lines PMU data sets available
PMUs Relays available for pilot Path Dynamics for better understanding of the system Internal pool External pool
PMUs SPS for flow gates Power flow Major transmission line corridors(inte r states) Nellore – Alamanti chittor – sriperumbato re Kolar-klvdpt Somnahalli –salem Kolar - Hosur 1&2 AP TN KAR
Challenges Modeling of the network Integrating with existing SCADA system for real-time measurements Faster communication medium Simultaneous action of through out the geography (execution of commands in same time) Transmission of GOOSE over WAN
KALKITECH’s experience Cell controller project For energynet.dk -Denmark(the project includes islanding and load balancing automatically during contingencies, this includes powerplants,CHPs & wind turbines) Emergency control schemes for Power intensive metal industries, refineries and petrochemical industries(800 to 400 MW plants to be stabilized during grid failures while power import & exports,schems includes, fast load shed and gen shed and synchronization controls) EMS for Bhutan Power Corporation (Network Topology Processor, Load Flow, Short Circuit Studies, Transient Stability Studies with Power Apps ) PMU based WAMS Pilot Project at SRLDC Working on PGCIL NTAMC project for RAS and AFAS We were consultants for Qatar Petroleum for HV SCADA implementation with IEC61850 SAS for their 33 kV distribution network Development experience on OMS and VSM with WSU Partnership With eDNA on Time-Series Historian Participation in NASPI / IEEE
Advantage of KALKITECH Centralized RAS Experience in power system dynamics and islanding implementation In House PDC / WAMS/SPS Application Expertise, both in Power System Algorithms, Communication Systems and Protocols. Rugged and versatile RTU (Sync 2101)for data acquisition and control action Strong Integration and Inter-Operability Experience Strong R&D and Product Partnerships with IIT Mumbai, WSU and Time Series Historian Companies. Open Interface for application / visualization / analytics development Distributed & Scalable architecture, with a centralized web-based Visualization server and a Distributed PDC structure