Michigan Early On Part C Data Collection Profile Report Originally held February 26, 2014 Rebroadcast March 12, 2014 Presented by Allan Knapp, PhD Michigan Part C Data Manager Early On® Training and Technical Assistance
Today’s Contents Explanation of terms used in the Data Profiles (e.g. Percent, %Change, Rank) Description of the CALCULATIONS used for the Data Profiles (this will be an update of last August’s webinar at EOTTA site) Availability of Data Profiles ◦ See June 2010 through June 2013 NOW at ◦ Fall 2013 should be available in March; we will have a follow up webinar then Question and Answer interspersed and at the end 3/12/2014EOTTA Data Profiles Webinar2
Early On Data Group Listserv The listserv uses Yahoo Groups; all you need to do is check “listserv only” To join, you need to be invited; for an invitation, send an to Allan Knapp or call ◦ (517) If you received an from the on behalf of Allan Knapp on Wednesday March 5, then you are effectively on the listserv 3/12/2014EOTTA Data Profiles Webinar3
Finding MSDS Information Go to Choose the CEPI Applications option on the left Then choose the Michigan Student Data System (MSDS) option OR Go to 3/12/2014EOTTA Data Profiles Webinar4
EXPLANATION OF TERMS 3/12/2014EOTTA Data Profiles Webinar5
Main Page Information - 1 H B gH Choose between State and Service Area profiles in left dropdown Choose collections back to June 2010 in right dropdown Counts come from data provided by Service Area Counts of 5 or less (oops) are “masked” with ** Explanation is repeated at bottom 3/12/2014EOTTA Data Profiles Webinar6
Main Page Information - 2 H Bg G Percent for snapshot, period, Age counts are “percent served” based on MI birth data Percent for other variables are percent for a specific code within the variable (e.g. see SETTING) Ranks are done with 1 for LARGEST percent and 56 for smallest. Ties are settled by larger number of children served, then by lowest ISD code. Print by clicking Print Report in upper right corner 3/12/2014EOTTA Data Profiles Webinar7
State View – Top Portion 3/12/2014EOTTA Data Profiles Webinar8 No ranks for State Ind 6 value Ind 5 value
State View – Middle Portion 3/12/2014EOTTA Data Profiles Webinar9 No ranks for State Ind 6 value Ind 5 value
State View – Bottom Portion 3/12/2014EOTTA Data Profiles Webinar10 No ranks for State Ind 6 value Ind 5 value
Indicators – light yellow highlight, with Target value appended Indicator 6 – Child Find Birth-3, target 2.70% Indicator 5 – Child Find Birth-1, target 1.24% Indicator 2 – Setting in Natural Environment, target 93.00% Indicator 1 – Timely Start of Service, Target 100% Indicator 7 – Timely Initial IFSP, Target 100% Indicator 8a – Timely Transition Plan, Target 100% Indicator 8c – Timely Transition Conference, Target 100% 3/12/2014EOTTA Data Profiles Webinar11
Indicators – usage Indicators 2, 5, and 6 have been and will be used for Federal Child Count submissions, APR, and Public Reporting Indicators 1, 7, 8a, and 8c are reported in the Data Profiles the way the data come through the MSDS data system ◦ Indicators 1,7,8a,and 8c are all 100% required variables ◦ If you have 0.0% on any required variable, something is wrong with your SIS 1,7,8a,8c from MSDS will be used for CIMS and Public Reporting eventually 3/12/2014EOTTA Data Profiles Webinar12
Masking (5 or less, **) Smaller Service Areas have more masked values. Profile Heading (see slide 6) needs to be corrected – it currently says “less than 5”; it should be “5 or less” Masking is done for FERPA reasons 3/12/2014EOTTA Data Profiles Webinar13
Birth Counts Prior to Fall 2012, birth counts by County were converted to counts by ISD using names (e.g. add Marquette and Alger county counts to get Marquette-Alger ISD count) Starting Fall 2012, now using 2010 census County and ISD counts for ratios and “geocoding” to identify the county where each birth mother resides. Three years’ births for Snapshot denominator; four years for Period 3/12/2014EOTTA Data Profiles Webinar14
Anachronism – something from a different period of time Period Change displays the count change and percent change in Cumulative Counts between collections. 6mon, 12mon, 18mon was more accurate when collections were Dec 1 and June 1; now should be prior collection; two collections earlier; three collections ago Value was greater when Period count was part of the Funding Formula Allocation 3/12/2014EOTTA Data Profiles Webinar15
Percent Change (far right column) The COUNT from this collection is compared to the count from the immediately prior collection. Calculation: 100*(this count-last count)/last count The immediately prior collection is named. If there is no value in either the current or the prior collection, “n/a” is assigned. Negative change (in red) means the number decreased. Positive change (black) means an increase. The Percent Change is not useful when either the starting or ending number is negative (e.g. see the Period Change in slide 18) 3/12/2014EOTTA Data Profiles Webinar16
Rankings No rankings are assigned in State Data Profile Ranks are done with one for LARGEST percent and 56 for smallest. Ties are settled by larger number of children served, then by lowest ISD code. Often a rank 50 is an “outlier” – it is different from most districts and should be examined ◦ 100% for Required Indicators is not an “outlier” We are working on a new report that will present all 56 Service Areas plus the State, in rank order. This may help you see who is doing well in some area where you need improvement. See next screen for example 3/12/2014EOTTA Data Profiles Webinar17
Sample Ranking List isdTotalSeeligSeeligPerSeeligRnk /12/2014EOTTA Data Profiles Webinar18 Rank Percent
Specific Service Area view - Top 3/12/2014EOTTA Data Profiles Webinar19
Specific Service Area view - Middle 3/12/2014EOTTA Data Profiles Webinar20
Specific Service Area view - Bottom 3/12/2014EOTTA Data Profiles Webinar21
Snapshot Count The snapshot count will equal ◦ Sum of ‘Age<1’ plus ‘Age 1-2’ plus ‘Age 2-3’ ◦ All the ethnic counts ◦ All the Setting counts ◦ All the Service Coordinator counts The snapshot count is the denominator for ◦ The Males percent ◦ The Special Ed Eligible percent ◦ All the percents in the Ethnic, Setting, Service Coordinator and Age sections 3/12/2014EOTTA Data Profiles Webinar22
Period Count The period count will equal ◦ Sum of Snapshot plus TOTAL EXITS ◦ All the Timely Start of Service counts 3/12/2014EOTTA Data Profiles Webinar23
Explanation of Calculations 3/12/2014EOTTA Data Profiles Webinar24
Early On Data Field Flow 3/12/2014EOTTA Data Profiles Webinar25 Service Area A Service Area B Service Area C MSDS Collections (child level) Early On Platinum File (child level) Federal Tables (state level) APR (state level) Public Reports (Service Area Level) CIMS / Determinations (Service Area Level) WSU Assessment Analysis (Service Area and State Levels) DEF..DEF.. MSDS Rules Platinum File Rules Processing Rules Data Portraits (Service Area And State Levels)
Countability Rules A child is countable on count date if ◦ Child’s birth date is prior to the count date ◦ Child is less than three years old on the count date ◦ CurrentIFSP is on or prior to the count date ◦ Current IFSP is within one year of the count date ◦ PartCExitDate is blank 3/12/2014EOTTA Data Profiles Webinar26
Deduplication Rules UIC is the main criterion ◦ Only one record per UIC in federal counts ◦ In State count: Only one record per UIC in snapshot count Only one record per UIC/Service Area combo in period count State level cumulative count can have the same UIC in multiple Service Areas (at most one in snapshot) What happens when there is more than one allowable, countable record for a UIC? ◦ These tie breaker rules worked well for Fall 2013: First pick the most recent CurrentIFSPDate Then choose Special Ed eligibility over not 3/12/2014EOTTA Data Profiles Webinar27
Processing Rules Definitions Values – lists the possible MSDS values Population – describes the records that will be used in evaluating the given indicator SIS Responsibility – federal and state expectations for reported values Calculation – how the indicator value is determined from the data received 3/12/2014EOTTA Data Profiles Webinar28
Processing Rules – Indicators 2(setting), 5 and 6 (child counts) Values: ◦ Ind2: 31 and 41 are good, 38 (other) is bad Population: subsets of the snapshot count ◦ Ind 2: select all snapshot children ◦ Ind 5: select snapshot children under the age of one ◦ Ind 6: select all snapshot children SIS: accurate birth, setting, IFSP date, Exit Ind 2 Calculation: (31’s +41’s) / Snapshot 3/12/2014EOTTA Data Profiles Webinar29
Processing Rules – Indicators 1, 7, 8 Processing Rules – Indicators 1, 7, 8 NOTE: The values for these three indicators will come from Self- Assessments, NOT from MSDS data ◦ 1 – Timely Service Start ◦ 7 – Initial IFSP 45 day timeline ◦ 8a – Transition Plan ◦ 8c – Transition Conference 3/12/2014EOTTA Data Profiles Webinar30
Processing Rules – Indicator 1 Possible Values: ◦ 01 – Timely new services ◦ 02 – Valid reasons ◦ 03 – Untimely services ◦ 04 – No new services Population: Cumulative count Calculation: Leave out 04’s ◦ (01’s + 02’s) / (01’s + 02’s + 03’s) 3/12/2014EOTTA Data Profiles Webinar31
Processing Rules – Indicator 1(more) SIS Responsibility ◦ Identify all NEW services ◦ Compare the start date of each new service against the authorizing IFSP date (timely is within 30 days) ◦ Identify if there was a valid reason for a start date > 30 days after the IFSP ◦ 03 - Untimely Services must be chosen if at least one new service was late without an acceptable reason 3/12/2014EOTTA Data Profiles Webinar32
Processing Rules – Indicator 7 Possible Values: ◦ 01 – Timely ◦ 02 – Untimely ◦ 03 – Acceptable Population: Children in the Cumulative count whose Initial IFSP was held within the 12 month period ending on Count Date, formed by joining two collections together SIS: If InitialIFSPDate > 45 days after ReferralDate, the code should not be Timely Calculation: (01’s + 03’s) / (01’s+02’s+03’s) 3/12/2014EOTTA Data Profiles Webinar33
Processing Rules – Indicator 8a Possible Values: ◦ 01 – Timely ◦ 02 – Untimely ◦ 03 – Untimely for Acceptable Reason Population: All Children from the Cumulative count who were countable when they reached 2 years and 9 months of age should have a Transition Plan ◦ Snapshot (Child Count) Children older than 2yrs 9mon with Initial IFSP prior to 2yrs 9mon ◦ Exited Children whose PartCExitDate is after age 2yrs 9mon SIS: Transition Plan should occur between age of 2 years 3 months and 2 years 9 months Calculation: (01’s + 03’s) / (01’s+02’s+03’s) 3/12/2014EOTTA Data Profiles Webinar34
Processing Rules – Indicator 8c Possible Values: ◦ 01 – Timely ◦ 02 – Untimely ◦ 03 – Acceptable Population: Children from the Cumulative count who were ◦ Countable when they reached 2 years and 9 months of age (see rules on last page) AND ◦ Special Ed eligible SIS: ◦ Conference should occur between age of 2 years 3 months and 2 years 9 months Calculation: (01’s + 03’s) / (01’s+02’s+03’s) 3/12/2014EOTTA Data Profiles Webinar35
Question and Answer… If you are cold, why should you go in the corner? 3/12/2014EOTTA Data Profiles Webinar36