The European Perspective: Libraries and Librarianship in Germany Sonja Haerkoenen Cardiff University.


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Presentation transcript:

The European Perspective: Libraries and Librarianship in Germany Sonja Haerkoenen Cardiff University

Sonja Haerkoenen, Cardiff University Overview  German National Library System  National, Regional, Subject & Academic Libraries  Professional Structure  Professional Associations  Libraries in Cooperation  Current Issues and Developments  More Information

Sonja Haerkoenen, Cardiff University The German National Library Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, formerly  Die Deutsche Bücherei – Leipzig  Die Deutsche Bibliothek - Frankfurt  Das Deutsche Musikarchiv – Berlin + regional and state libraries + central subject libraries + academic libraries with special archival functions

Sonja Haerkoenen, Cardiff University Die Deutsche Bücherei – Leipzig  Founded in 1912  Collects works  published in Germany after 1912  German-language works published in other countries after 1912  Translations of German-language works into other languages  Foreign-language works about Germany  Works by German emigrants

Sonja Haerkoenen, Cardiff University Die Deutsche Bibliothek - Frankfurt  Founded in 1945 as national bibliographical centre for the Allied zones  Merged with the Deutsche Bücherei in 1990  Since 2006 called Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (German National Library)  Fulfils national library functions jointly with the German Music Archive  Receives 2 copies of books published in Germany by legal deposit law

Sonja Haerkoenen, Cardiff University Das Deutsche Musikarchiv – Berlin  Founded in 1970  Central repository for printed music and recordings  German Information Centre for the Bibliography of Music  Contains over 1 million items

Sonja Haerkoenen, Cardiff University Regional and State Libraries  16 Bundesländer, but approx. 40 state / regional libraries (Landesbibliothek or Staatsbibliothek)  Mandate to provide literature covering all fields  Main aim to collect, archive, catalogue and make available printed literature about the region (legal deposit law)

Sonja Haerkoenen, Cardiff University Deutsche Zentrale Fachbibliotheken (German Central Subject Libraries)  ZBMED for Medicine, Healthcare, Biology – Cologne + Bonn  Europe‘s biggest medical library  1.3m volumes, 7,800 periodicals  TIB for Engineering + Technology – Hanover  8.2m volumes, 21,000 periodicals  ZBW for Business and Economics – Kiel + Hamburg  World‘s largest economics library  4m volumes, 24,500 periodicals

Sonja Haerkoenen, Cardiff University Academic Libraries with Special Archival Functions  Sondersammelgebietsprogramm (SSG) (Special Subject Fields Programme)  Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG)  Approx. 44 libraries share the responsibility  Languages, geographical regions, subjects, types of material  Sammlung Deutscher Drucke (Collection of German Imprints)  6 libraries in cooperation  Collection of books printed in the German area from 1450 onwards

Sonja Haerkoenen, Cardiff University State and University Library Göttingen  State Library for Lower Saxony  Centre of the GBV (north German regional library network)  Library of the Year 2002  5.8m items, 14,000 journals  SSG library for 18 specialised subject areas  Collection of German Imprints,

Sonja Haerkoenen, Cardiff University Library Statistics 2006 Source: 8,920 libraries 223 million items 248 HE libraries

Sonja Haerkoenen, Cardiff University Professional Structure 1  FAMI – Fachangestellter Medien und Information (Media and Information Assistant)  3 year apprenticeship (mix of practice and studying)  Counter tasks  General enquiries  Clerical/admin work, invoicing etc.  Preparation of tours  Assisting certified librarians and subject specialists

Sonja Haerkoenen, Cardiff University Professional Structure 2  Diplom-Bibliothekar (Certified Librarian)  4 year degree course, incl. ½ year placement, now increasingly taught as 3 year BA  Information desk work  Library inductions  Events organisation  Cataloguing / acquisitions  Basic collection development / management  Project work

Sonja Haerkoenen, Cardiff University Professional Structure 3  Fachreferent (Subject Specialist)  UG degree in subject + PG course in librarianship  New acquisitions classification  Responsibility for subject budgets  Advanced collection development  Liaison with departments  Subject specific training  PR, management and coordination

Sonja Haerkoenen, Cardiff University Professional Associations  BIB – Berufsverband Information Bibliothek (Association of Information & Library Professionals)  VDB – Verein Deutscher Bibliothekare (Association of German Librarians) + Unions and associations for libraries, e.g.  DBV (German Library Association)  BID (Library and Information Germany – umbrella organisation)

Sonja Haerkoenen, Cardiff University Libraries in Cooperation 1  6 regional library networks  Zeitschriftendatenbank ZDB (National Periodicals Database)  Karlsruhe Virtueller Katalog (KVK) since 1996  Joint information services via chat

Sonja Haerkoenen, Cardiff University Libraries in Cooperation 2  Deutsche Internetbibliothek (German Internet Library)  Kompetenznetzwerk für Bibliotheken (KNB) (Network of Competency for Libraries)  Library statistics / ranking  German libraries portal  Support for libraries involved in EU projects  Nacht der Bibliotheken (Night of the Libraries)

Sonja Haerkoenen, Cardiff University Libraries in Cooperation Prison Library Münster  Library of the Year 2007  80% of prisoners use the library  Participated in the Night of the Libraries

Sonja Haerkoenen, Cardiff University Current Issues and Developments  Digitisation projects  Strategy paper „Bibliothek 2007“  Harmonisation of RAK with AACR2 and MAB2 with MARC21  Web 2.0  Hybrid library of the future  Bibcamp  Library buildings

Sonja Haerkoenen, Cardiff University Current Issues and Developments Library buildings:

Sonja Haerkoenen, Cardiff University Thank you for your interest and attention! Sonja Haerkoenen

Sonja Haerkoenen, Cardiff University More Information - General  Overview: Seefeldt, J. and Syré, L Portals to the past and to the future: libraries in Germany. 2 nd ed. Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag.  Statistics:  Strategy:

Sonja Haerkoenen, Cardiff University More Information - Cooperation  German Libraries Portal  SSG  Collection of German Imprints  Periodicals database  German Internet Library  KVK  Nacht der Bibliotheken  Bibcamp

Sonja Haerkoenen, Cardiff University More Information - Associations  BIB  VDB  DBV  BID  Kompetenznetzwerk für Bibliotheken

Sonja Haerkoenen, Cardiff University More Information: Individual Libraries        