WWII Korea was a Japanese colony during WWII When Japan lost the war, Russian and American troops liberated Korea The Russians and Americans decided that.


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Presentation transcript:

WWII Korea was a Japanese colony during WWII When Japan lost the war, Russian and American troops liberated Korea The Russians and Americans decided that Korea should be divided at the 38th parallel in th parallel South Korea North Korea

Puppet Governments The U.S. administered the South and put an anti- communist, pro-American leader in charge The USSR administered the North and put a Communist leader in charge Russians and Americans withdrew troops from Korea in 1949 Question: What is a “puppet government?”

In 1949 China became Communist. Why is this fact important to Korea? Important to the U.S.? North Korea South Korea

A Desire to Unite Both Northern and Southern leaders wanted to unite the country – but with different types of government. Kim Il Sung (North Korean leader) understood that to resolve the problem of unifying the two Koreas was very difficult -- that he would need help. Of course the help he was hoping to get would come from the Soviet Union. The Soviets and Kim gambled that Korea wasn’t important enough to the U.S. to prompt a response

1950- NK invaded SK with 90,000 troops equipped with Soviet weapons & tanks –The South Korean army crumbled and retreated southwards –Early bridge detonation story The U.S. may not have cared much about Korea, but it did want to put ‘teeth’ into the Truman Doctrine! –Afraid that Korea would fall to Communism like China, the U.S. began to rush in troops. The U.S. brought the Korean situation up with the U.N.… –The Russians were boycotting the U.N. (for a different reason), so the U.S. convinced the UN to authorize a ‘police action’ to help the South Koreans. –About 90% of troops were American

President Truman "Korea is a small country, thousands of miles away. But what is happening there is important to every American. The fact that communist forces have invaded Korea is a warning that there may be similar acts of aggression in other parts of the world..." The U.S. led UN forces pushed the North Koreans back to the 38 th parallel and then kept going. They pushed all the way to the border of China. “See. Don’t Mess With Us!”

China declared that it would not accept U.S. troops on its border! American General MacArthur promised president Truman that the Chinese knew better than to mess with the U.S./him –Remember the U.S. had the atom bomb and China didn’t China attacked! U.S. forces turned and fled  a route

Interview: Lt. Col. Charles Bussey, U.S. Army "It was a rout exactly like the one that Napoleon faced leaving Russia. We ran head-long, helter-skelter, pell-mell, trying to get to Pusan, trying to get back to Japan. It was disgusting."

MacArthur Advised Use of the Atom Bomb Truman refused MacArthur went public with his disagreement Truman Fired MacArthur

The Americans eventually stopped the Chinese advance After several more years of inconclusive fighting back and forth, a cease fire was signed. Signed in 1953, it declared the 38 th parallel once again as the break between the two countries.

Reflected new American foreign policy of containment with ‘teeth’ Limited warfare (did not use atomic bomb) First racially integrated (white and black) Armed forces –The result of the heroic efforts of the Tuskeegee Airmen, among others, in WWII Begin to see a dramatic increase in military spending & permanent mobilization To this day, North & South Korea remain divided. The U.S. has no formal diplomatic relationship with North Korea.

The Cold War had become a Hot War

Permanent mobilization (American troops/military bases around the world 2007)

If you went to the 38 th Parallel in Korea today, you would find a DMZ or de-militarized zone To this day, there is no formal peace treaty ending the Korean War.

Today- North Korea is ‘communist’ but it is run by KIM Chong-il (the son of KIM Il-song, who died in Kim Chong-il rules with almost total power and is more of a totalitarian than a Communist. Kim Chong-Il

In December 2002, North Korea repudiated a 1994 agreement that shut down its nuclear reactors and expelled UN monitors, further raising fears it would produce nuclear weapons.

Interesting Tidbit After the armistice, 50,000 communist POWs were released; approximately two-thirds of the Chinese asked to go to Taiwan. Of 12,000 U.N. prisoners released by North Korea, 21 U.S. prisoners and one Scot chose to stay in China. How do you think this information was used by the U.S.?

HansenName ________________________ U.S. HistoryPeriod ________________ The Proxy War in Korea WWII –Korea was a _______________ during WWII – When Japan lost the war, __________________________ troops liberated Korea – The Russians and Americans decided that Korea should be _________________________________________________ Puppet Governments –What is a puppet government? _________________________________________ _________________________________________ –The U.S. administered the South and put an anti-__________, pro-______________leader in charge –The USSR administered the North and put a ___________ leader in charge –Russians and Americans withdrew troops ________________ 1949 –In 1949 China became Communist. –Why is this fact important to Korea? ____________________ _______________________________________________ –Important to the U.S.? _______________________________ _________________________________________________ A Desire to Unite –Both Northern and Southern leaders wanted to unite the country – but with _________________________________. –______________(North Korean leader) understood that to resolve the problem of unifying the two Koreas was very difficult -- that he would need help. Of course the help he was hoping to get would ________________________________________. –The Soviets and Kim gambled that Korea wasn’t _________ _________________ to the U.S. to ___________________ Attack! NK invaded SK with ____________ equipped with _________________________________________ The South Korean army _________and _______ southwards Early bridge detonation story The U.S. may not have cared much about Korea, but it did want to put ___________ into the _________________! Afraid that Korea would fall to Communism ________, the U.S. began to _________________________. The U.S. brought the Korean situation up __________.… The Russians were __________________U.N. (for a different reason), so the U.S. convinced the UN to authorize a _______________________________ South Koreans. _______________ of troops were American Why American Involvement? President Truman "Korea is a small country, thousands of miles away. But what is happening there is important to _________________. The fact that communist forces have _________________ is a warning that there may be ______ _____________________ in other parts of the world..." The U.S. led _____________ pushed the North Koreans back to the 38th parallel and then kept going. They pushed all the way to the border of _____. “See. _____________ ____________!” Humiliation for the U.S. China declared that it would __________________________ ___________________________________________ ! American General MacArthur promised president Truman that the Chinese knew better than to ___________________ Remember the U.S. had __________________ and China didn’t ____________________________! U.S. forces turned and fled  ____________

WWIII? –MacArthur Advised __________________________ –____________________________ –MacArthur went ___________ with his disagreement –Truman _____________ MacArthur End of the Korean War –The Americans eventually ____________________________ –After ________________________ of _________________ _______________ back and forth, a __________ was signed. –Signed in _______, it declared the ______________ once again as the break between _______________________. Significance? –Reflected new American foreign policy of ___________with ________________ –_________________________ (did not use atomic bomb) –First _______________ (white and black) Armed forces The result of the heroic efforts of the ____________ _________________, among others, ____________ –Begin to see a dramatic increase in ______________ & _________________________________ –To this day, North & South Korea remain ___________ –The U.S. has no formal ________________________ with North Korea. The Cold War had become a Hot War –If you went to the 38 th Parallel in Korea today, you would find a DMZ or _______________________________ –To this day, there is no formal peace treaty ending the Korean War.