Getting to California Mao Zedong – Chinese communist leader who gained power in 1949 to establish The People’s Republic of China Taiwan – small island home of the Chinese Nationalists that fled communist China led by Chiang Kai-shek Occupation of Japan – the United States encouraged the rapid democratic/capitalist development of Japan in order to prevent the spread of communism from China The Korean War – ( ) Post WWII Korea divided at the 38 th Parallel between communist and capitalist North Korea Attacks – (6/25/50) an attempt to unify Korea under communism The UN Intervenes – led by the U.S. a UN peacekeeping force drives North Koreans towards China China Attacks – feeling threatened by the UN, China invades into North Korea driving UN troops to the 38 th P MacArthur Fired encouraged the use of nuclear weapons to end the war and disobeyed Truman’s orders Ch 21 Sec 2b: The Cold War - Korea
The Week in Preview (Feb 2 nd – 6 th ) Mon (2/2)Ch 21 Sec 1 “Origins of the Cold War” Tue (2/3)Ch 21 Sec 2 “Cold War in Europe (Berlin Airlift)” Wed (2/4)Ch 21 Sec 2 “Cold War in Asia (Korean War)” Reading Quiz Tutorial after school (2:45 – 3:15) Thu (2/5) Ch 25 Sec 1 “The U.S. and Vietnam in the 1950s” Fri (2/6)Open Note Reading Quiz – Ch 21 Sec 3 ______“The Cold War and American Society” pp ______ Mon (2/9)Progress Report Grades Due Fri (2/13)TEST – “The Origins of the Cold War” Ch 21 and Ch 25 Sec 1
Intro 2 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. Textbook Assignment (pp ) 1)When did the Chinese Civil War begin, why was it delayed and what were the final results of it in 1949? 2)Why did the United Nations intervene on the side of the South Koreans in 1950 and how did China react? 3)Why was General MacArthur fired by President Truman in 1951? 4)What were the results of the Korean War? Ch 21 Sec 2: The Early War Years (cont.)
Intro 3 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. Chapter Objectives Section 2: The Early Cold War Years Explain the causes of the Korean War.
Section 2-17 The Cold War Spreads to East Asia Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. The Cold War spread to Asia. In China, Communist forces and Nationalist forces had been battling since the late 1920s. The two had stopped their war during World War II in an effort to resist Japanese occupation. (pages 662–663)
Section 2-17 The Cold War Spreads to East Asia Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. With the end of World War II, civil war broke out again. The Nationalists were defeated after poor leadership caused the United States to stop sending aid.
Section 2-18 In October 1949, Communists set up the People’s Republic of China. In early 1950, the People’s Republic of China and the Soviet Union signed a treaty of friendship and alliance. Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. The Cold War Spreads to East Asia (pages 662–663)
Section 2-18 The United States was able to keep Communist China out of the United Nations while allowing Nationalists from Taiwan to retain their seats. Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. The Cold War Spreads to East Asia (pages 662–663)
Section 2-19 When the United States lost China as its main ally in Asia, it adopted policies to encourage the quick recovery of Japan’s industrial economy. The U.S. saw Japan as its key in defending Asia. Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. The Cold War Spreads to East Asia (pages 662–663)
Section 2-21 The Korean War Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. At the end of World War II, American and Soviet forces entered Korea to disarm Japanese troops stationed there. The Allies divided Korea at the 38th parallel of latitude. (pages 663–665)
Section 2-21 The Korean War Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. Soviet troops controlled the north and set up a Communist government. American troops controlled the south with an American- backed government. The Soviets gave military aid to the north, resulting in an expansive military. (pages 663–665)
Section 2-22 On June 25, 1950, North Korean troops invaded South Korea. The Korean War (cont.) Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. (pages 663–665)
Section 2-22 Truman asked the UN to act against the Communist invasion of South Korea. American, UN, and South Korean troops pushed back advancing North Korean troops. The Korean War (cont.) Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. (pages 663–665)
Section 2-23 The Communist Chinese government saw the UN troops as a threat and demanded that they stop advancing. Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. The Korean War (cont.) (pages 663–665)
Section 2-23 After being ignored, China began a massive attack with hundreds of thousands of Chinese troops heading across the border, driving UN forces back. Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. The Korean War (cont.) (pages 663–665)
Section 2-24 General MacArthur demanded approval to expand the war against China. Truman refused MacArthur’s demands. MacArthur was fired after publicly criticizing the president. Truman was committed to limited war, a war fought to achieve a limited objective such as containing communism. Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. The Korean War (cont.) (pages 663–665)
Section 2-25 By 1951 UN forces had pushed Chinese and North Korean troops back across the 38th parallel. An armistice was signed July Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. The Korean War (cont.) (pages 663–665)
Section 2-25 Korea still divided today Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. The Korean War (cont.) (pages 663–665)
Section 2-26 The Korean War was an important turning point in the Cold War. Instead of just using political pressure and economic aid to contain communism, the United States began a major military buildup. The Korean War expanded the Cold War beyond Europe and into Asia. Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. The Korean War (cont.) (pages 663–665)
Daily Focus Skills Transparency 2 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer.