Run Lola Run
Basic Information Lola Rennt 1998 thriller Tom Tykwer writer & director German language film Notable Alternative Narrative structure
Plot Set in Berlin, Germany Lola tries to find 100,000 Deutsche marks to save her boyfriend Mani’s life After seeing an introduction sequence, we see the 3 different ways the events could play out
Critical Response Nominated for 46 awards Won 21 awards One of the most awarded films in modern history High ratings from Meta Critic, Rotten Tomatoes, and IMDB
Tom Tykwer Quote “Cinema that interests me is about openings, unresolved questions, and experiments; cinema that explores the possibilities offered by narrative and by associations, without refusing chaos, chance, destiny, or the unexpected.”
Narrative Structure
How the story is set up and presented The order in which the story is presented Exposition Conflict Rising Action Climax Resolution Falling Action Most mainstream media follows a traditional narrative structure
Alternative Narratives No one, single way to tell a story Use of flashbacks and flashforwards are common alternative narratives Understanding of a story changes as the structure changes Can add emphasis Can draw contrasts
Prompt Run Lola Run uses an alternative narrative structure to display the events of Lola’s day. How does this story structure impact your understanding of the film? How do you feel the film benefited and suffered because of this structure? Support your reasonings with SPECIFIC EXAMPLES from the film!