The Quality Company - Worldwide 1 Water for all – Obligation Challenge Chance Dr.-Ing. E.h. Hans G. Huber C.E.O. Hans Huber AG, Berching Maschinen- und Anlagenbau ETAP – 6th European Forum on Eco-Innovation 2-3 April 2009, Berlin
2 Face the problems Population without sanitation Population without access to drinking water "Water is life and because we have no water, life is miserable." Farmer from Kenya
3 No Life without Water!
4Obligation Water for use in agriculture to ensure adequate provision of food Water for human consumption and for domestic use Water for industries to create employment and to provide secure income for employees
5 Obligation Increase in consumption Rising pollution Climate change Constantly growing world population Change in consumer behaviour and eating habits The situation will grow worse due to
6 Challenge Politicians whom we must persuade to act Scientists who need to develop and support adequate technologies Industrial stakeholders who need to offer these technologies to the market Stakeholders from the international financial world who need to accept these technologies and to finance the right adapted technologies So it is a challenge for
7 Challenge Water reuse Small closed loop systems will provide straightforward solutions which, in turn, are needed for Flexible and modular closed loop systems which are easy to implement, operate and control Adapted technologies We will need decentralized supply and disposal for
8 Water Reuse and Water Recycling
9 There are more problems In most developing countries, wastewater treatment and reuse standards are inspired by standards of industrialized countries, mainly the USA and EU, without taking into account financing and construction time issues. These standards usually prescribe an effluent of such quality that secondary treatment or higher is required to produce it, irrespective of the absorption capacity of the receiving body (i.e., the capacity of the receiving body is not taken into account in the standard setting process). Since the costs of applying these standards are high, usually beyond reach in developing countries, the overly stringent effluent standards induce a strategy of No Action with devastating public health and environmental impacts. From: Menahem Libhaber: Establishing Wastewater Treatment Levels in Developing Countries; Stringent Effluent Standards Versus Absorption Capacity of Receiving Bodies. Presentation during the Water Week in Washington, February, 2004
10 Chance Politicians to solve these problems Scientists to focus on targeted and practical research which offer adequate solutions to the water situation worldwide Companies to produce and integrate adapted technologies and to implement related business concepts A chance for
11 Chance
12 Chance Respond to this obligation Consider the global water situation as a challenge See and catch our chances ! It is necessary that we
13 Water is a Gift of God Thank you for your attention ! Dr.-Ing. E.h. Hans G. Huber Hans Huber AG Industriepark Erasbach A Berching Germany Phone :+49 /