Chinese 8 th grade will learn: 1.Family and schooling 2.Countries 3.Languages 4.Works.


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Presentation transcript:

Chinese 8 th grade will learn: 1.Family and schooling 2.Countries 3.Languages 4.Works

Chinese 8 th Grade Student 学生 school 学校 teacher 老师 principal 校长 Elementary school student 小 学生 Middle school student 中学生 High school student 高中学生 Work 工作 Have or have not 有, 没有 Year 年 grade 级

School In Grade 8 八年级 Eldest sister 大姐 Second eldest sister 二姐 youngest sister 小妹 All; both 都 This year 今年 two (liang) 两 school term 学期 school year 学年 last month 上个月

last year 去年 next year 明年 this month 这个月 middle aged person 中年 人 intermediate level 中等 every day 每天 calendar 日历

Level I Coutries America Canada China Malaysia Australia Asia Africa Europe Oceania country

Language English Chinese Japanese French German Speak Can speak Don’t speak

Professions Farmer 农民 Sailor 水兵 Police man 警察 Army man 军人 professor 教授 bank Ms.; lady 小姐, 太太 Madame; Mrs. Furen 夫人 sister in-low 嫂嫂 master 师傅 couple 两口子 women 女人

Professions fishing man 渔民 singer 歌唱家 dancer 舞蹈家 principal 校长 president 总统 chairman 主席 accountant 会计 baby-sits 保姆 Head nurse 护士长 calligraphy 书法 书法家 architecture 建筑 architect 建筑师

Chinese Level I government 政府 building 楼 government building 政府大楼 designer 设计师 steel 钢 structure 结构 Chinese medicine 中药 Western medicine 西药 working 工作 handcraft 手工 taxi 的士 courtyard 院 hospital 医院

Level I shop; store 店 Hotel 饭店 cooked rice; meal 饭 restaurant; hotel 餐馆 factory 工厂 dot; point; o’clock dian 点 a little bit 一点 want 想 like/ not like 喜欢 / 不喜欢 public 公共 company 公司 law firm 律师事务所

Assessments 1.Five pages picture book. > describe my physical characteristics and my family 2.Power point presentation of a map of the world, locate of 10 countries and its capital and indicate the place you went and what counties you want to go. 3.Dialogue of all about your self, your family, language you speak, the country you want to go the work you like. Perform in class.

Performance Task Create a dialogue of career presentation