UN Economic Commission for Europe Agenda Item 9 Programme of Work and Next Steps 18th UN/CEFACT Plenary February 2012 Palais des Nations, Geneva Mats Wicktor Vice Chair
UN Economic Commission for Europe 2 Focus on Part Two of the PoW......except for two areas... PoW
UN Economic Commission for Europe 3 The PoW is NOT a Bureau document! Content is based on input from the stakeholders! Area 1
UN Economic Commission for Europe 4 The PoW, based on members‘ needs, cannot be executed without resources! Area 2
UN Economic Commission for Europe Realistic Agenda
UN Economic Commission for Europe 6 Part Two of the PoW prioritize 3 areas: Part Two of the PoW prioritize 3 areas: Single Window Single Window Implementation Implementation Cooperation and Outreach Cooperation and Outreach Part Two
UN Economic Commission for Europe 7 Tactical success factors: Simplification, harmonization and Simplification, harmonization and standardization of processes Governance of recommendations, Governance of recommendations, standards and instruments Working with other TF-organizations Working with other TF-organizations and other Standard Developing Organizations Outreach in order to support implementation Outreach in order to support implementation Critical Factors
UN Economic Commission for Europe 8 Create a solid foundation Create a solid foundation Collaboration with others Collaboration with others Increase uptake through high quality Increase uptake through high quality Use the unique remit to fill the gaps Use the unique remit to fill the gaps Strategic Direction
UN Economic Commission for Europe 9 How update are UN/CEFACT-”showstoppers”, i.e. Single Window Recommendations? How update are UN/CEFACT-”showstoppers”, i.e. Single Window Recommendations? Interoperability on the agenda, more needed forInteroperability on the agenda, more needed for establishment of hubs beyond Single Window? Digitalization: What is not worked on? Digitalization: What is not worked on? Identifying gaps Identifying gaps Public-Private Partnership on the agenda Public-Private Partnership on the agenda Input Panel A
UN Economic Commission for Europe 10 Speak the same core language, to foster semanticSpeak the same core language, to foster semantic interoperability with other eco-systems Strategic partnerships – liaisons Strategic partnerships – liaisons Exploit strengths, don’t reinvent the wheel Exploit strengths, don’t reinvent the wheel Neutral a key-word Neutral a key-word Provide UN/CEFACT-framework to allow area-specific Provide UN/CEFACT-framework to allow area-specific implementations implementations Input Panel B
UN Economic Commission for Europe 11 Capacity building needed for uptake in primary target groupsCapacity building needed for uptake in primary target groups Global shift from message standard to process standard Global shift from message standard to process standard UN/CEFACT products requested by end-users UN/CEFACT products requested by end-users UN/CEFACT to exploit its unique remit and unique UN/CEFACT to exploit its unique remit and unique composition/range composition/range Neutrality in technology, core semantics and processes - Neutrality in technology, core semantics and processes - identify and help bridge gaps identify and help bridge gaps Decrease throughput time – perfection not asked for! Decrease throughput time – perfection not asked for! Coordination between SDO’s: focus on strategy and work Coordination between SDO’s: focus on strategy and work programmes / business plans programmes / business plans Input Panel C
UN Economic Commission for Europe 12 UN/CEFACT has a role to play UN/CEFACT has a role to play Unique remit/composition Unique remit/composition Neutrality Neutrality Support for governmental policy Support for governmental policy Maintenance Maintenance Collaborate with other SDO‘s, avoid duplication! Collaborate with other SDO‘s, avoid duplication! Enhance the role of being a unique centre for Enhance the role of being a unique centre for bringing together communities of use Respository-creation for implementations, Respository-creation for implementations, knowledge management Aggregated Input Strenghten strengths...
UN Economic Commission for Europe 13 How to proceed?