Lesson 5
Objectives Review history behind creation of UN. Identify goals of the UN. Examine structure and function of UN organs. Discuss role and effectiveness of UN.
Warm Up What are the 2 categories of international organizations? Provide an example of each.
United Nations History Post WWI- League of Nations Post WWII- Yalta Conference Oct 24, charter nations
General UN Membership 193 member states “Peace loving nations” NYC: “Sessions” Sept-DecSessions 70 th begins 9/28 Pay dues (% world wealth) Budget ($5.5 b)Budget Peacekeeping costs different ($8.3 b) Provide troops for UN activities
Goals of the U.N. Maintain international peace & security Promote respect for international law, friendly relations b/t nations Protect human rights and freedoms Encourage social and economic progress (raise SOL)
Activity: Structure of the UN Identify the purpose, membership structure, and powers of the following branches: General Assembly Security Council Secretariat Economic and Social Council Court of Justice Ban Ki-moon: S. Korea
General Assembly Purpose: Open, deliberative forum Membership: All member nations (193) 1 vote per delegation 2/3 rd vote to pass resolutions/mandates Function/Powers: Elect members of other organs Debate issues and make (non-binding) recommendations Approve budget and spending Suspend or revoke membership Pass non-binding resolutions – world opinion!
Security Council Purpose: Maintain peace and security Membership: 5 permanent members (China, France, Britain, US, Russia), 10 non-perm members (elected 2 yr terms by GA) 9/15 votes to take action, including all 5 perm Function/Powers: Investigate and mediate disputes (binding decisions) Apply political and economic sanctions Take military action when necessary
Secretariat Purpose: Carry out daily operations Membership: Secretary General (Ban Ki-moon) – 5 yr ~50K+ workers in various agencies and offices (NYC main) Function/Powers: Administer programs and policies Create press releases
Econ and Social Council Purpose: Promote higher standard of living, econ and social progress Membership: 54 members- regional representation 3 year terms 1 vote per nation Function/Powers: Formulate policy Discuss & Initiate studies concerning econ/soc issues Call international summits (mtgs)
Internatl Court of Justice Purpose: Settle disputes of internatl law Membership: 15 Justices (independent once elected) 9 year terms Peace Palace (The Hague, Amsterdam) Function/Powers: Nations submitting disputes agree to decisions Advise organs on legal questions
Trusteeship Council Purpose: Oversee “trust territories” (11 nations w/out govt following WW2) Membership: 5 Perm Security Nations Function: None, all territories est self-govt eventually
Activity Read the Upfront article “The UN: A Love-Hate Affair” from the link below. stic.com/scholasticn ews/indepth/upfront/ features/index.asp? article=f0919a stic.com/scholasticn ews/indepth/upfront/ features/index.asp? article=f0919a Be prepared to discuss issues & controversies surrounding the UN as well as the role for the UN in today’s world. Can it be considered a success/failure?
Issues and Controversies No real power, non- binding No army National sovereignty Imbalance of power Inefficiency Underfunding Ethics
Day 1 Homework Complete UN Webquest Explore the activities and issues the UN is
Day 2 Warm Up Goals of the UN? Principal Organs? Peace & security HR & Freedoms Social & Econ Progress Gen Assembly Security Council Secretariat ECOSOC ICJ
Millenium Dvpt Goals Adopted 2000 – Achieved 2015?
2015 Evaluation What stands in the way? Economic crisis High food prices Climate change (agricultural vulnerability) Conflict & post-conflict nations Weak govt institutions Rapid urbanization
Closure What are the goals of the UN? Is the UN successful?
Homework Day 2– Wiki Post: Is the United Nations obsolete? What role should it play and what powers should it have in our new world. Incorporate both the article you read & the TED talk we viewed today.