Electricity Module 3 - Purchasing recommendations European Commission GPP Training Toolkit
European Commission GPP Training Toolkit Module 3: Purchasing recommendations for electricity 2 Scope These recommendations cover the purchase of electricity Electricity consumption is addressed in the framework of other product groups covered within Module 3
European Commission GPP Training Toolkit Module 3: Purchasing recommendations for electricity 3 Accompanying information The following documents may also be referred to: –Product Sheet on Electricity, containing a slightly expanded version of the information in these slidesProduct Sheet –Background Product Report on Electricity, providing more detailed background information on how these purchasing recommendations have been developedBackground Product Report For the full GPP Training Toolkit please visit:
European Commission GPP Training Toolkit Module 3: Purchasing recommendations for electricity 4 Key environmental impacts
European Commission GPP Training Toolkit Module 3: Purchasing recommendations for electricity 5 Purchasing criteria Core GPP criteria - focus on: –50% of electricity from renewable energy sources (RES-E) –Encourage higher % of RES-E through award criteria Comprehensive GPP criteria - focus on: –100% of RES-E
European Commission GPP Training Toolkit Module 3: Purchasing recommendations for electricity 6 Electricity - Core GPP criteria - Core GPP Criteria - Note: For implementation notes see the notes page
European Commission GPP Training Toolkit Module 3: Purchasing recommendations for electricity 7 Electricity - Core GPP criteria Purchase of 50% electricity from renewable energy sources (RES-E). Subject matter 50% of supplied electricity must come from renewable energy sources (RES-E) as defined by Directive 2001/77/EC. Verification:Verification: through Guarantees of Origin (GoO), as delivered by competent bodies designated by the Member States according to EU Directive 2001/77/EC (art. 5) or equivalent proof. An alternative would be for the supplier to provide independent proof of the fact that a corresponding quantity of electricity has been generated from so-defined renewable sources, e.g. a tradable certificate from an independent issuing body such as RECS[1], which guarantee the compliance with the RES-E Directive 2001/77/EC if not nationally implemented. Alternatively, certification by a labelling scheme for green electricity which fulfils at least the criteria of the RES-E Directive 2001/77/EC will be accepted as proof, such as a Type-1 ecolabel [1]RECS = Renewable Energy Certificates System:
European Commission GPP Training Toolkit Module 3: Purchasing recommendations for electricity 8 Additional points will be awarded for: Additional RES-E: The tenderer should indicate the proportion of electricity to be supplied from renewable energy sources. Additional points will be awarded in proportion to the electricity to be supplied from renewable energy sources above the minimum requirement in the specification. Award criteria Electricity - Core GPP criteria
European Commission GPP Training Toolkit Module 3: Purchasing recommendations for electricity 9 At the end of each year of the contract the contractor must disclose the origin of the electricity supplied to the contracting authority to demonstrate that at least 50% came from renewable energy sources. Guarantees of Origin (GoO) or equivalent proof must be provided. This is not required from certified suppliers of 100% green electricity (i.e. carrying a Type-1 ecolabel which uses a definition of RES-E at least as strict as that of Directive 2001/77/EC). Contract performance clauses Electricity - Core GPP criteria
European Commission GPP Training Toolkit Module 3: Purchasing recommendations for electricity 10 Electricity - Comprehensive GPP criteria - Comprehensive GPP Criteria - Note: For implementation notes see the notes page
European Commission GPP Training Toolkit Module 3: Purchasing recommendations for electricity 11 Purchase of 100% electricity from renewable energy sources (RES-E) Subject matter 100% of supplied electricity must come from renewable energy sources (RES-E) as defined by Directive 2001/77/EC. Verification: through Guarantees of Origin (GoO), as delivered by competent bodies designated by the Member States according to EU Directive 2001/77/EC (art. 5) or equivalent proof. An alternative would be for the supplier to provide independent proof of the fact that a corresponding quantity of electricity has been generated from so-defined renewable sources, e.g. a tradable certificate from an independent issuing body such as RECS[1], which guarantee the compliance with the RES-E Directive 2001/77/EC if not nationally implemented. Alternatively, certification by a labelling scheme for green electricity which fulfils at least the criteria of the RES-E Directive 2001/77/EC will be accepted as proof, such as a Type-1 ecolabel [1]RECS = Renewable Energy Certificates System: Electricity - Comprehensive GPP criteria
European Commission GPP Training Toolkit Module 3: Purchasing recommendations for electricity 12 At the end of each year of the contract the contractor must disclose the origin of the electricity supplied to the contracting authority to demonstrate that at least 50% came from renewable energy sources. Guarantees of Origin (GoO) or equivalent proof must be provided. This is not required from certified suppliers of 100% green electricity (i.e. carrying a Type-1 ecolabel which uses a definition of RES-E at least as strict as that of Directive 2001/77/EC). Contract performance clauses Electricity - Comprehensive GPP criteria
European Commission GPP Training Toolkit Module 3: Purchasing recommendations for electricity 13 Further information For the full GPP Training Toolkit please visit: Toolkit developed for the European Commission by ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability, 2008 Owner, Editor: European Commission, DG Environment-G2, B-1049, Bruxelles Disclaimer: The European Commission accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the information presented in this document Pictures courtesy of Peter Defranceschi (slide 1), Mark Hidson (s. 6) and StockXchng: Michael Zacharzewski (s. 2), John Nyberg (s. 10)