N O R R B O T T E N C O U N T Y C O U N C I L Jan-Erik Nygård, CIO Norrbotten County Council, Sweden Network Based Information Platform for health care (NIM) - Achieving a seamless exchange of health information, independent of operational or administrative boundaries or geographical distance. – Interoperability in practice! 400 km 450 km
PICTURE 2 Challenges and driving forces To an increasing extent the patient wants care in the home Everyones right to healthcare regardless of domicile Long distances within the county The county has Europes largest population aged 80 and over as a percentage of total population The municipal share of care increases and increases New treatment methods Personnel shortages Cost rises Specialisation of care skills Technology as a driving force Traditional solutions will not work, even in the short term!
PICTURE 3 Facts about NBD NBD is a million high prioritised project, sponsored from the Swedish government and parliament USA and Great Britain has pointed out NBF as absolute fore- front of technology development for future defence –Sweden has taken the lead in Europe for Network Based Defence system The new Swedish defence organisation and operations is depending on the NBD –Nordic Battle Group Massing forces –> massing effect – Do more with less resources –1+1 = 3 Ericsson, Saab, Boeing and IBM is main suppliers
PICTURE 4 SOA – Service Oriented Architecture, its a little bit like LEGO Depending on the actual need you build the application! With this types of Lego parts (services) its possible to build this excavator But, also with the same parts (services) its possible to build this bulldozer
PICTURE 5 Problem and existing solution in heath care Integration Spaghetti!!!!! Problem – Static silos Static configuration – hard copy Point-to-point configurations Focus on autonomic platforms Static configuration – hard copy Point-to-point configurations Focus on autonomic platforms How collaboration is achieved today Adoptions, adoptions, adoptions
PICTURE 6 Scenarios in the NIM-project County of Norrbotten County of Västerbotten Explizit AB NIM platform: Building services External suppliers: Reseach:
PICTURE 7 Scenarios in the NIM-project County of NorrbottenCounty of Västerbotten Home Contact Service (Primary care) Monitoring- service Cross Health care record County Council Hospital care Journal service Database for Monitoring Sensors at Nursing Home Municipality care
PICTURE 8 Example of some possible scenarios Home Monitoring- service Health care record A Health care record B Health service Database for Monitoring Sensors GIS data base Mobile (GSM/GPRS) PDA (W-LAN/Bluetooth) Map service RFID Sensor X Sensor Y Data Base Z Consumers Producers
PICTURE 9 Summary NIM is a prototype based on the Swedish defence project Network based defence, NBD NIM has a network and service oriented service/integration architecture and framework (SOA, Service Oriented Architecture) NIM could be the future communication platform for interoperability and collaboration in health care The county of Norrbotten has built three scenarios to test and get knowledge about SOA and NIM The county of Norrbotten invites more regions to collaborate, build, test and evaluate more services and applications built on the NIM platform
N O R R B O T T E N C O U N T Y C O U N C I L Tank you! Jan-Erik Nygård, CIO. Norrbotten County Council, Sweden