Commission for Development Studies at the Austrian Academy of Sciences Research partnership for Development: Migration of Science? Birgit Habermann, KEF Coordinator
Commission for Development Studies at the Austrian Academy of Sciences Science and the poor ‚It is not surprising that the rich get richer in a continueing cycle of growth while the poorest are often left behind. A special effort should be made by the powerhouses of world science to address the unmet challenges of the poor.‘ Jeffrey D. Sachs, The End of Poverty ROLE OF RESEARCH
Commission for Development Studies at the Austrian Academy of Sciences The global scientific divide DCs represent 78 % of population but only 28 % of researchers worldwide ROLE OF RESEARCH
Commission for Development Studies at the Austrian Academy of Sciences Commission for Development Studies Founded in 1981 as a follow up to UNCSTD (United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development) Head of Commission: Prof. Gerhard Glatzel Coordinator: Birgit Habermann
Commission for Development Studies at the Austrian Academy of Sciences Multi- and interdisciplinary platform Hosted by Austrian Academy of Sciences, funded by BMWF 30 members: Donors/ Ministries (5) Scientific members (10) DC & international cooperation (10) Other members (5) Commission for Development Studies
at the Austrian Academy of Sciences Our aims… to unite scientific questions with development-political objectives to embed the development-political approach into science and research
Commission for Development Studies at the Austrian Academy of Sciences KEF provides funding for research partnerships –63 KEF projects in 29 countries, 2 multinational projects –13 projects in implementation phase –Annually 6-7 new projects –Budget ca Euro/18 months What do we do ?
Commission for Development Studies at the Austrian Academy of Sciences KEF research partnerships
Commission for Development Studies at the Austrian Academy of Sciences KEF research partnerships
Commission for Development Studies at the Austrian Academy of Sciences KEF research partnerships Prerequisites for funding Eligibility: Austrian scientists and their scientific partners in developing countries Significant proportion of funds remains with partner country Institutional integration (capacity building)
Commission for Development Studies at the Austrian Academy of Sciences What do we do ?
Commission for Development Studies at the Austrian Academy of Sciences KEF Publication Joint Research, Joint Learning: Research partnerships in development cooperation.
Commission for Development Studies at the Austrian Academy of Sciences Commission for Development Studies at the Austrian Academy of Sciences Is there a need for scientific partnership? Global research questions, e.g. climate change, international treaties, pandemic diseases, security,… Global competition takes place in research as well: what role for Austria in the future? Changes in Aid Architectcure (General budget support), modalities of cooperation and accessibility of knowledge, global awareness,…
Commission for Development Studies at the Austrian Academy of Sciences Commission for Development Studies at the Austrian Academy of Sciences Impeding factors for partnership & cooperation Structural issues, limited career options for scientists Lack of networking among Austrian institutions in development research Capacities in Austria often inadequately trained to meet the high and diverse requirements: lack of training and capacity development,…
Commission for Development Studies at the Austrian Academy of Sciences Commission for Development Studies at the Austrian Academy of Sciences Impeding factors for partnership & cooperation Lack of policy coherence Demand for experts / expertise in development cooperation – a lot remains still unclear ! No tradition in Development Studies, Development Policy Research,… - individual initiatives struggle with structure and limitations
Commission for Development Studies at the Austrian Academy of Sciences Commission for Development Studies at the Austrian Academy of Sciences Impeding factors for partnership & cooperation Resources: –Lack of an adequately equipped funding programme (ca Euro/year KEF funding, Austria:ca Euro/year ) –Sweden: 54 Mill. Euro (2005)
Commission for Development Studies at the Austrian Academy of Sciences Summary Is it the powerhouses of world science we need? What kind of partnership can we offer, are we willing to offer? Power & participation – what does it mean? Are we ready to stop dividing, categorising, classifying the world and accept a new global concept & understanding of science? Commission for Development Studies at the Austrian Academy of Sciences
Commission for Development Studies at the Austrian Academy of Sciences Contact Birgit Habermann Commission for Development Studies at the Academy of Sciences (KEF) Dr. Ignaz Seipel Platz WIEN AUSTRIA Telefon:++43(0) – Web: