1 Open Days 2008 Communicating Cohesion Policy Together Bruxelles, 10/07/2008 The experience of the Italian ED network in Cohesion Policy Communication Paolo Prosperini, ED Pisa
2 Table of Contents Introduction Context Objectives The path so far The results achieved (lesson learnt) Next steps
3 Context – Preliminary notes Strengths: Role and expertise of ED Information Centers in communicating to citizens Past achievements Added-value of national network, with strong cooperation at regional level Concrete support by EC Representation in Italy Similar activities presently offered (PORE, rural development, Eurodesk, Internal Market) New legal Framework: new opportunities Weaknesses: Extreme variety of ED typology as far as hosting structures is concerned No legal autonomy from the hosting structure
4 Relay Relay and EDC EDC (Europe Direct Centre) Who we are
5 Context Achievements of past activities in the previous programming period ( ) 17 ED relays carried out activities related with structural funds communication and information I.e: Drawing up of articles and newsletters Production and distribution of brochures, leaflets, information dossiers training courses, conferences, seminars, workshops on structural funds topics Helpdesk for potential beneficiaries and citizens
6 Context - The new Legal framework Regulation (CE) N. 1083/2006 Art.69 Regulation (CE) N. 1828/2006 in particular CHAPTER II Section 1 Information and publicity article 5, § 3, letter f : 3. The managing authority shall involve in information and publicity measures, in accordance with national laws and practices, at least one of the following bodies that can widely disseminate the information listed in paragraph 2: (a) national, regional and local authorities and development agencies; (b) trade and professional associations; (c) economic and social partners; (d) non-governmental organisations; (e) organisations representing business; (f) information centres on Europe as well as Commission representations in the Member States; (g) educational institutions.
7 Objectives Objective: to boost ED involvement in EC cohesion policys communication and information with a view to improve the visibility of the EU action at all levels and showing its benefits to citizen
8 The path so far…. Meeting in Grosseto (June 2007): sensibilize the Management Authorities in charge of the Communication Plan Meeting in Rome (November 2007): Build up the ED network activity on cohesion policy and set up intermediate objectives Meeting in Milan (December 2007): in-depth assessment Meeting in Paris (December 2007): exchange of good practices with French colleagues Meeting in Pisa (May 2008): Consolidate the results achieved in phase I and design Phase II objectives Meeting in Rome (June 2008): preparing the meeting to create a single communication network in Italy (ERDF+ESF) Meeting in Cosenza (June 2008): national meeting and presentation of results to Regional MA involved
9 The Results Europe Direct information centres are mentioned and assigned of specific communication tasks in: 9/21 Communication Plan of ROPs (ERDF) 2/6 cross-border OPs 1/5 NOPs Numerous communication plans within European Social Fund, rural development… strong cooperation with INFORM
10 Future steps (Phase II) Objectives 1.Including the Network ED in the communications plan of the NOP/INPO 2.Prioritizing the convergence objective Regions 3. Making the most of the competences, experiences, activities, information instruments of the Network ED on the basis of exchanges/collaborations with other National and the European Network (AGM and Open Days, Exchange programmes) 4.Implementation of activities on the regional territories