United Nations Disaster Management Team (UNDMT)
The UNDMT is An inter-agency mechanism for information exchange and coordination on disaster response and preparedness; Currently comprises of members from ten UN agencies - FAO, ILO, UNAIDS, UNDP, UNESCO, UNFPA, UNHCR, UNICEF, WFP & WHO Role in Emergency: Monitor situation and issue updates through preparation and circulation of consolidated Situation Reports (Sit Reps) with information on damage details, government response and UN (and partners) response to emergency Assist with rapid/ multi-sectoral assessments led by UN agencies As required, provide a forum for information-sharing and exchange Coordinate with key humanitarian partners engaged in emergency response
UN Response to floods in AP & Karnataka UNDMT Sit Reps prepared by the UN Resident Coordinator’s office and shared with UN agencies, NGOs, international and bilateral agencies UNICEF Action: UNICEF Hyderabad office in contact with Relief Commissioners and district administrations in both states. UNICEF pre-positioned supplies – 10,000 collapsible jerry cans and 25 water tanks distributed in Mahbubnagar district in AP UNICEF supported volunteers in Raichur district (Karnataka) and project staff in Kurnool district (AP) assisting local officials in rescue operations and camp management. UNICEF Hyderabad office to focus response in Mahbubnagar and Kurnool districts in AP and Raichur district in Karnataka. UNICEF Delhi support team to visit AP & Karnataka
UN Response (cont) UNFPA Pre-positioned dignity kits distributed through NDMA – 12,000 in Kurnool district (AP) and 12,000 in Raichur district (Karnataka) Content of each kit – 1 saree, 1 salwar kameez, 3 sanitary napkins, 2 panties, 1 old newspaper