THE FACTS Stresemann was Chancellor in 1923 only. His main role was as Foreign Minister from 1924 He was a right-winger and more able than Ebert He built up Germany’s prosperity again although all of Europe was recovering He signed Germany up to the Dawes Plan in 1924
Germany’s reparations paid over a longer period America lent money to German industry and also to the Government to pay reparations German currency reorganised loans Rep’s War debts USA Germany GB & FRANCE
Foreign Policy Stresemann showed real skill in foreign policy – Locarno Treaties – – Germany joined the League of Nations 3.Young plan Germany was accepted back into the international community
Locarno Treaties Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Poland met at Locarno in Switzerland. Signed a number of treaties to settle disputes between themselves 1.France, Belgium and Germany agreed to accept borders as drawn up by Treaty of Versailles 2.Rhineland stayed demilitarised 3.France would protect Poland and Czechoslovakia if attacked by Germany 4.Germany would not use force to settle disputes with neighbours
League of Nations The League of Nations was the fore runner of the United Nations Its aims were to: prevent aggression by any nation Encourage co-operation between nations Work towards international disarmament Improve the living and working conditions of all people The core was Collective Security – members of the League could prevent war by acting together.
Stresemann Years- Good or Bad? POSITIVES Economy was improvingEconomy was improving Factories used American money and methods to succeed. Economy grew faster than GB or France. By 1929 Germany was producing 33% more than in 1913.Factories used American money and methods to succeed. Economy grew faster than GB or France. By 1929 Germany was producing 33% more than in Golden age of German cinema. Night life and cabaret hugely popularGolden age of German cinema. Night life and cabaret hugely popular
Stresemann Years- Bad? Unemployment and poverty still highUnemployment and poverty still high Growing prosperity based on USA loans – Growing prosperity based on USA loans – What would happen if USA wanted the money back ?What would happen if USA wanted the money back ?
Anything else? Stresemann wasn’t popular with either the extreme nationalists like Hitler and the Nazis, or with the Communists Hitler disliked the League because it supported the Treaty of Versailles BUT both the Nazis and the Communists made little progress in these years because people were much better off and their EXTREME ideas did not appeal to people
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