WSB / MobiHealth Hugo Geuverink MobiHealth WP3 meeting 12/13 November 2002, Madrid
filename / 2© 2001 / Agenda Scenario nr. 1 Scenario nr. 2 Advantages of Wireless Service Broker Benefits of WSB / WAP 2.0 TCP / UDP / W-TCP: advantages / dis-advantages Conclusion
filename / 3© 2001 / GGSN - WSB configured Connectivity AppServer Sensor Front-End BT MBU Wireless Service Broker™ GPRS/UMTS Internet Firewall SGSN GGSN VPN
filename / 4© 2001 / GGSNGGSN WSBWSB RADIUSDRADIUSD Fix IP nr GGSN Fix IP nr WSB TCP/IP (IP nr client) Radius info MSISDN + Username + Password Subscriber DB. Authorization Authentication GGSN - WSB configured Connectivity
filename / 5© 2001 / Advantages GSN - WSB configured Connectivity Use of VPN infrastructure Easier to achieve Cheaper to achieve Easier to maintain Radius Forwarding accounting Easier and more secure Authentication Separation of different operators subnets by Virtual GW’s
filename / 6© 2001 / Disadvantages GGSN - WSB configured Connectivity Operators have to accept (Operator dependent solution) Wan’t work in visited networks
filename / 7© 2001 / Agenda Scenario nr. 1 Scenario nr. 2 Advantages of Wireless Service Broker Benefits of WSB / WAP 2.0 TCP / UDP / W-TCP: advantages / dis-advantages Conclusion
filename / 8© 2001 / NO GGSN - WSB configured Connectivity AppServer Sensor Front-End BT MBU Wireless Service Broker™ at Hospital side GPRS/UMTS Internet Firewall
filename / 9© 2001 / Surrogate MBU Secure HTTP Jini Lookup Service End User Application Surrogate Host MobiHealth domain E-Health domain Data Repository Wireless Service Broker Surrogate Host / WSB Secure HTTP Firewall
filename / 10© 2001 / HOSPHOSP WSBWSB RADIUSDRADIUSD Radius info MSISDN + Username + Password from Hospital Subscriber DB. Authorization Authentication Radius info from Hospital
filename / 11© 2001 / Advantages NO GGSN - WSB configured Connectivity End to End security Radius info will be get from Hospital and MBU No radius forwarding Global solution => Non operator independent Only roaming agreement needed
filename / 12© 2001 / Disadvantages NO GGSN - WSB configured Connectivity No Radius forwarding => only Proxy authentication Athentication more complex No added-value from operators
filename / 13© 2001 / Advantages WSB / Surrogate Host, Hospital side Central Authentication / Authorization (Patient, Doctor…) Maintain Subscriber DB Hospital by Virtual gateway and seperate DB Radius info from Hospital -MSISDN -Username -Password Firewall function for Internet Traffic
filename / 14© 2001 / Disadvantages WSB / Surrogate Host, Hospital side No Radius info from Operator
filename / 15© 2001 / Advantages MBU / WSB W-TCP protocol Secure HTTP Application level security Only body encrypted Information in Header usable
filename / 16© 2001 / Disadvantages MBU / WSB WSB has to ask MBU for Username/Password for authentication and authorization Username / Password maintenance
filename / 17© 2001 / Agenda Scenario nr. 1 Scenario nr. 2 Advantages of Wireless Service Broker Benefits of WSB / WAP 2.0 TCP / UDP / W-TCP: advantages / dis-advantages Conclusion
filename / 18© 2001 / Advantages of the Wireless Service Broker (1) Optimized connection between BAN, WSB and Hospital Wireless TCP Cost saving for subscriber (patient) Central Authentication and Authorization Broker management facility Statistics Services Profiles Differentiation over Billing (Hospital / Insurance company / Patient)
filename / 19© 2001 / Advantages of the Wireless Service Broker (2) Push capability Surrogate Host => MBU Activate when MBU in sleep mode Deliver control information when device available Device always reachable Push over IP, when no connection, Session Initiation Request Support of all Bearers Surrogate Host => Doctor (notification message)
filename / 20© 2001 / Advantages of the Wireless Service Broker (3) Out of coverage (WAP standard) PPG stored data (control information) until MBU is alive PPG = Push Proxy Gateway Firewall function for Internet traffic Maintain Subscriber DB by Virtual Gateway Replication of solution possible on same platform via Virtual Gateway’s Scalability WAP 2.0 Standard
filename / 21© 2001 / Agenda Scenario nr. 1 Scenario nr. 2 Advantages of Wireless Service Broker Benefits of WSB / WAP 2.0 TCP / UDP / W-TCP: advantages / dis-advantages Conclusion
filename / 22© 2001 / Benefits of WSB / WAP 2.0 Update of WAP to be 3G-ready W-TCP instead of UDP / TCP No protocol conversion in WAP 2.0 (better security) End to End security (secure HTTP) in both ways ! Richer mark-up languages tailored for mobiles, with improved support for: Color Image formats, including color images Style sheets Important when status request from Content server > Patient
filename / 23© 2001 / Agenda Scenario nr. 1 Scenario nr. 2 (proposal) Advantages of Wireless Service Broker Benefits of WSB / WAP 2.0 TCP / UDP / W-TCP advantages / dis-advantages Conclusion
filename / 24© 2001 / TCP advantages / disadvantages Advantages: Reliable, all data will be send Data packages in right order Disadvantages: Bad performance due to resending mechanisme Whole window will be send again Slow initial congestion Influence of network behaviour
filename / 25© 2001 / UDP advantages / disadvantages Advantages: Better performance Disadvantages: Not Reliable, not all data will be received One or more packages (even >50%) of data could be lost Create retry mechanisme Packages received in different order Create mechanisme to set packages in right order WAP 1.x standard Influence of network behaviour
filename / 26© 2001 / W-TCP advantages / disadvantages Advantages: Reliable Retry mechanisme, only lost packages will be send again Initial congestion better by configuration of parameter cwnd Better performance then TCP Wireless Serice Broker support W-TCP MBU (Linux) support W-TCP WAP 2.0 standard Disadvantages: Influence of network behaviour
filename / 27© 2001 / Agenda Scenario nr. 1 Scenario nr. 2 (proposal) Advantages of Wireless Service Broker Benefits of WSB / WAP 2.0 TCP / UDP / W-TCP advantages / dis-advantages Conclusion
filename / 28© 2001 / Conclusion Proposal CMG Scenario 2 (WSB at Hospital side, no GGSN – WSB configuration, W-TCP and secure HTTP) Central Authorisation / Authentication Push Capability Maintain subscriber DB by Virtual Gateway Replication on same platform via Virtual Gateway Global solution -No radius info from operator -No configuration at GGSN Firewall function Internet traffic
filename / 29© 2001 / QUESTIONS ?