Winter Hardy Wine Grape Research University of Wisconsin - Madison West Madison Ag Research Station Judith Reith-Rozelle Assistant Superintendent West Madison Agricultural Research Station
Seedless Table Grape Trails and Winter Hardy Wine Grape Research Project Winter Survival – West Madison 2010 Growing Season 2011 Program Seedless Table Grape Trail Report – Fours Years of Growing Judith Reith-Rozelle Assistant Superintendent West Madison Agricultural Research Station
Spring Bud Break – 2010 Wine Grapes April 6 – Bud swell on 3 varieties - Foch, LaCrosse, and LaCrescent April 11 – Bud swell on 9 varieties April 14 -19 - Bud break on 9 of the varieties May 2 - Bud break - Vignoles May 3 - Three to four inches of growth on 9 varieties May 4 - First spray May 8 – 30.9 F table grape plots/33.8 F wine grape plots May 10 - Foch April 6 – Foch April 20 - Foch April 26 - Foch
Winter Survival 2009 - 2010 Winter Damage – Three Varieties Sevyal Blanc – severe winter injury Noiret – severe winter injury Vignoles Primary bud mortality – winter injury Secondary buds survived
Winter Survival 2009 – 2010 Wine Grapes No winter damage Brianna LaCresent LaCrosse Foch Frontenac Leon Millot Marquette MN1220 – planted 2009 LaCrescent New York 76 Foch Brianna
Diseases 2010 Foliar Diseases: Fruit Diseases: Downy Mildew – LaCrescent LaCrosse New York 76 – very late in season Powdery Mildew: Fruit Diseases: Sour Rot – Brianna Left Brianna on vines too long LaCrescent first to show Powdery Mildew Brianna
Insects 2010 Insect Problems: Grape Phylloxera – Leon Millot October Japanese beetle July – one outbreak Leaf Hoppers Grape Phylloxera – Leon Millot October
Harvest – 2010 Wine Grapes Vignoles Marquette Brianna New York 76 LaCrosse Leon Millot Frontenac LaCrescent Foch
Fruit Production Cultivar Name Hrvst Date Avg lb/vine 9/2 13.80 8/27 453 g/lb Rep 1 Rep 2 Rep 3 Rep 4 Cultivar Name Hrvst Date Avg lb/vine Total wght Kg Total lbs. Frontenac 9/2 13.80 22.68 49.96 21.89 48.22 31.41 69.19 24.27 53.46 Marquette 8/27 7.38 14.29 31.50 14.06 31.00 13.72 30.25 11.45 25.25 Foch 8/29 9.03 10.55 23.25 22.05 48.60 23.22 51.20 9.71 21.40 LaCrescent 8/24 9.72 18.46 40.66 16.62 36.61 22.13 48.74 13.36 29.43 Leon Millot 6.51 11.89 26.19 11.38 25.07 13.10 28.85 10.90 24.01 NY76 9.35 11.00 24.23 19.90 43.83 17.46 38.46 19.56 43.08 LaCrosse 8/30 13.69 24.10 53.12 25.90 57.00 23.90 52.60 25.54 56.30 Brianna 8.75 19.73 43.46 14.57 32.09 11.79 25.97 Vignoles *3.36 6.63 14.60 7.26 15.99 8.62 18.99 1.93 4.25
Brix Harvest 8/9/2010 8/15/2010 8/23/2010 8/24/2010 8/27/2010 Cultivar Date/Brix Harvest 8/9/2010 8/15/2010 8/23/2010 8/24/2010 8/27/2010 8/30/2010 Date Frontenac 14.6 19 20.5 21.5 22 9/2 Marquette 19.8 21.6 21 22.2 # 8/27 Foch 18.5 21.8 22.5 8/30 La Crescent 16.2 19.4 8/24 Leon Millot 18.1 19.2 19.6 NY76 10.3 15.1 17 17.5 La Crosse 12.9 15.5 17.3 19.5 Brianna 17.7 19.3 20.2 Vignoles 11.3 14.1 20.4 20.2
2011Canopy Management/Fruit Set Canopy management will be one focus of 2011 research Thinning and pruning – produce more open canopy Possible growth regulator on varieties that have very tight clusters……..still being discussed
2011 Fruit Analysis Fruit Analysis: pH, TA, Brix, Total phenolics Anthocyanins Phenolic profiles Dr. Rebecca Harbut, Beth Workmaster, Dean Volenburg, and staff at Peninsular and West Madison Research Stations
Fruit Analysis Fruit Analysis: Jelly tasting Marqette/Brianna Marquette
Seedless Table Grapes Variety Trails West Madison Agricultural Research Station Madison, Wisconsin College of Agriculture & Life Sciences University of Wisconsin Madison
Seedless Table Grape Trial Design First trail established in June 2007 at West Madison Research Station Fifteen Grape Cultivars Six Red Five Blue Four White Three plants each cultivar - Double Trunks July 18, 2007
Grape Vine Development - 2009 Winter Injury Glenora Himrod Reliance Marquis
Spring Bud Break - 2010 April 12 – Bud break - 10 varieties/ 3 - bud swelling/ 2- no growth April 18 – 30.9 F/ in table grape plot/ 34.8 F/ wine grape plots May 3 - Three to four inches of growth - 6 varieties May 4 - First spray May 8 – 33.9 degrees table grape plots Table grapes are lower on the slope than wine grapes. April 26 - Trollhaugen April 12 - Canadice April 12 - Lakemont
2010 Winter Injury/Frost Damage Red Grapes Cultivar Name Color Winter Injury Frost Injury 5/28 Somerset Seedless Red 0% Concord Seedless Blue Trollhaugen Interlaken White 66% Lakemont 90% Mars 10% Canadice 30% Vanessa 65% Einset Reliance 20% Marquis 75% Venus 33% Himrod 60% Glenora 100%
Seedless Table Grape Training System Double Trunk Illustrations from: Ohio State Univ. Bulletin 815, Agdex 231
Brix and Harvest Weights Table Grapes - Brix/Fruit Weight - 2010 Date of Ripening 3 Vines 8/15 8/21 9/7 Cultivar Name Color Harvest Wt lbs Brix Somerset Seedless* Red 38 18.50 20.00 harv Canadice 21 18.00 19.20 21.20 Concord Seedless * Blue 32 14.00 16.80 17.00 Vanessa* 12 16.50 17.50 harv Trollhaugen* 41 19.30 19.0 Einset * 25 19.60 Venus * 10 17.90 Interlaken White 8 15.90 19.10 21.00 Lakemont 19 19.50 Mars * 36 14.50 17.10 Marquis 15.30 18.20 Himrod 16 Reliance 15 20.50 Concord – seeds in fruit and two different strains or varieties- ripened later Glenora – Dead to base all 3 vines on 6/14
Diseases Foliage Diseases: Fruit Disease: Cane, Root, Trunk Disease: Downy Mildew – Marquis and Venus Powdery Mildew – Einset, Canadice, Mars Phomopsis and Leaf Spot – Leaf Spot on a few varieties very minimal Fruit Disease: Botrytis Bunch Rot or Gray Rot Black Rot Sour Rot Cane, Root, Trunk Disease: Crown Gall – Venice and Canadice Bacterial disease bacterial disease caused by Agrobacterium vitis, soil born, come in on vines, pruners Sovran, Pristine, Captan Pennsylvania State University photo
Recommended Cultivars -2010 Einset – -25 F/, red seedless grape with a unique, sweet, fruity flavor. Some remnant seeds – Average cluster 182 g/ berry 2.8 g, can leave on vine for weeks, harvested 8/21/2009 - 8/21/ 2010 – Ratings by sampling group 4.04 Mars – -20 F/, blue seedless grape, berries are slipskin, have a strong “concord” flavor – Average cluster 140 g/berry 2.6 g, Ratings by sampling group 3.28
Recommended Cultivars -2010 Somerset Seedless - -30 F/ a red seedless grape with small berries, complex flavor Average cluster 131 g/ berry 1.2 g, Harvested 8/20/2009 - 8/15/ 2010 – Can leave on vine for several weeks - Rating by sample group - 3.94. Trollhaugen - -30 F/a blue seedless table grape. Good diseases resistance, fruit - sweet, intense, spicy flavor – Average cluster 115 g/berry 1.7 g, Rating by sampling group – 3.36
Varieties with Good Possibilities Canadice – -25 F/ Fruit very complex flavor and deep rose color, monitor for disease problems – rating by sampling group – 3.48 Cluster weight = 125 g/Berry weight = 1.8 g -harvested 8/20/2009 – 8/21/2010 Reliance – -25 F/ Good disease resistance, Fruit excellent deep flavor and slightly melting texture – rating by sampling group - 4.16 Cluster weight = 152 g/ Berry weight = 2.8 g - harvested 8/21/2010
Varieties with Good Possibilities Lakemont – - 20 F/ mild, sweet, bit spicy flavor and beautiful, white, gold color Cluster weight = 220 g. Berry weight = 1.9 g Interlaken - Winter hardy- Zone 6, beautiful green, gold color and mild, sweet, bit spicy flavor fruit Cluster weight = 195 g. Berry weight = 1.9 g
Varieties with Good Possibilities Vanessa – Hardy, productive flavor is fruit is sweet, mild flavored, relatively small, berry texture is firm (not enough for sampling) Cluster weight = 102 g Berry weight = 1.2 g Venus - -20 F/ productive blue-black fruit with very spicy, complex taste. The medium-large clusters ripen early– rating by sampling group - 4.16 Cluster weight = 228 g. Berry weight = 3.2 g
Varieties with Some Possibilities Marquis - White grape with large, sweet, mild fruit, large clusters. Cluster weight = 165 g. Berry weight = 2.9 g Himrod – White seedless that is relative of Thompson Seedless Cluster weight = 165 g. Berry weight = 1.8 g Himrod grows well in New York
Varieties Removed Saturn – Fruit seeded/bitter Glenora – Not winter hardy in WI Concord Seedless – Fruit seeded, uneven ripening
Report on Seedless Table Grape Trials On-line at: Wisconsin Grape Growers Association West Madison Research Station Garden Web Site Garden Blog Section 4 - Conclusions Gathered Based through Project Work:
Program for 2011 Try different pruning technique Plant two new selections: Jupiter Not decided Apply growth regulator: Somerset Seedless – increase size of fruit
Seedless Table Grape Trials Support 2010 - 2011 Agricultural Development & Diversification Program (ADD) – 2007 - 2010 2010 – 2011 – Specialty Crops Grant – Wisconsin Grape Growers Association Wisconsin Winery University of Wisconsin – Madison, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences