Additive Color (RGB) is created by mixing a number of different light colors. When you add up all of these colors, you create white light. Subtractive Color (CYMK) is used to mask colors on a lighter background. The ink reduces the light that would be reflected off of your white paper. It subtracts brightness from white.
Pros of Working in RGB RGB offers a wider range of colors There is more information stored with RGB files. The printer has a better chance of matching these colors when printing. Once you convert to CMYK, you loose information in your colors and are no longer to gain that information back. RGB file sizes are about 25% smaller than CMYK Images are web ready Many filters and functions in Photoshop are only available with RGB color profiles
In order to keep as much information as possible, we will be working in adobe RGB and then converting profiles before printing. Before converting to CMYK, make sure you save an RGB file for backup.
Converting RGB to CMYK bTM