INTRODUCTION : The old practice of defecating in the open on road side, bank of rivers, canals, tanks etc. is unhygienic in the extreme. This is the cause of more than 50 diseases like diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera, typhoid, hepatitis, more infection etc. There are now several options open to users to improve sanitation and dispose of human excreta, bearing in mind the socio-economic and financial constraints of people in rural areas. These have been developed using low cost technology and locally available material and resources.
Not only will these innovative approaches cut down the morbidity rate but it will put the waste matter to productive use e.g. making compost manure and gas domestic purpose. The low cost waterseal latrines provide a solution in dry latrines and sewage system. Sewage and Septic Tank, generally regarded as the ideal solution for disposal of human excreta. However the sewage system involves a huge investment and is both expensive and time consuming. It also consumes more water which developing countries cannot afford. It further depends on factors like electricity, machine and trained labour, which are difficult to access in rural areas. Contd.
The double pit latrine [ low cost water sealed latrines ] is Septic tank is another alternative, but is again beyond the reach of people, for it is very expensive. Moreover, it has additional problems like, periodic cleaning and disposal of liquid sludge which in turn breeds mosquitoes, creating health hazards. The double pit latrine [ low cost water sealed latrines ] is an economical, long lasting and an appropriate technology for safe disposal of human excreta until a time when provision of a sewage system can be offered to the user. Construction of this type of latrines involves a technology which can easily be taught to masons. After a short training period these masons would be well equipped to construct this latrine on their own. Contd.
The low cost sanitation programme has been given considerable importance by the Government , Voluntary Agencies and International Agencies because of its immense potential in improving the existing unsanitary conditions. The low cost water sealed latrines is the most frequently used type of model in low cost sanitation schemes. Contd.
LOW COST SANITARY LATRINES FOR RURAL AREAS. AFPRO Task Force launched a program to develop innovative Low Cost technology for improvement for rural sanitation. An initiative to promote Low Cost Appropriate Technology for promotion of Sanitary Latrines very needed and wanted by women in rural and tribal villages of the North Eastern States, has been undertaken by ATF in collaboration with EED Partners.
The aim of the program entitled “Health & Sanitation” is to make available simple Low Cost Technologies to promote sanitary latrines in which rural women are involved. Use of Alternate construction material, bamboo strips together and folded in a circular fashion and plastering small quantity of cement on both the inner and outer surfaces of the structure are then lowered into the pits. This technology further reduces the cost of the unit. Women of the house hold can be involved in knitting the structure. Contd.
The double leach pit latrines with leach pits made of bamboo knitted structure instead of conventional bricks is an economical, long lasting and appropriate technology for safe disposal of human excreta. Construction of this type of latrines involves a technology which can easily be taught to masons. After a short on the job training these masons could be well equipped to construct these latrines on their own. The involvement of Voluntary Agencies in motivating and promoting the acceptance of this innovation was very essential. As a strategy for the promotion of low cost technology ATFG with the help of PIO’s undertook construction of demonstration latrines near community Halls, Schools, Churches and Vocational Training Centres in six districts of Manipur, one each in the states of Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland , Mizoram and Tripura. Contd.
AFPRO Task Force till date conducted on the job training courses for masons involved in dissemination of technology on the techniques for construction and demonstration of low cost sanitation. It is for the first time that such demonstration cum trainings on low cost sanitation for promotion of water sealed latrines with leach pits made of bamboo knitted structure was conducted in the remotest rural areas of North Eastern States of Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Nagaland , Mizoram and Tripura. During these demonstration cum trainings 29 nos. of low cost water sealed Units were constructed and 54 nos local masons [ Meteis, Kukis, Nagas and Bengalis ] were imparted the techniques of Low Cost Bamboo Leach Pit type latrines. 400 nos Low Cost Latrines have been constructed by 16 Voluntary Agencies. Contd.
STEP BY STEP PROCEDURE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF LOW COST LATRINES [ BAMBOO LEACH PIT TYPE ] CONSTRUCTION OF SEPTIC TANK The double leach pit latrines with leach pits made of bamboo knitted structure instead of conventional bricks is an economical, long lasting and appropriate technology for safe disposal of human excreta. Construction of this type of latrines involves a technology which can easily be taught to masons. After a short on the job training these masons could be well equipped to construct these latrines on their own.
PLAN OF LOW COST LATRINE – BAMBOO LEACH PIT TYPE 10 cms 7.5 cms 8.75 cms 11.25 cms 9” PVC Pipes 135 cms PIT DIA 120 cms PIT DIA 120 cms 100 cms 50 cm 50 cm 100 cms PLAN OF LOW COST LATRINE – BAMBOO LEACH PIT TYPE
STEP 1 : Selection of Site Select the site for the construction of Low Cost Latrine - Bamboo Leach Pit types based on the following criteria : Site should not be selected in low lying areas ( area where runoff water collects during rainy season ). Low lying areas for construction of leach pits to be avoided as the decomposition process would get disturbed and possibility of collapsing the pit. Site should be close to the house to avoid inconvenience for users.
Site should be away from the Drinking water sources Site should be away from the Drinking water sources. Normally the distance should be 9 m to 10 m away from leach pits i.e 9 times the depth of the leach pit. Water table should not be shallow, atleast 3 times more than the depth of the leach pit. Measured from bed level of the pit. Site should be away from trees to prevent structured disturbances to the leach pit by root propagation. Contd.
STEP 1 : Selection of Site Select the site for the construction of Low Cost Latrine – Bamboo Leach Pit types based on the following criteria : Site should not be selected in low lying areas ( area where runoff water collects during rainy season ). Low lying areas for construction of leach pits to be avoided as the decomposition process would get disturbed and possibility of collapsing the pit. Site should be close to the house to avoid inconvenience for users. Site should be away from the Drinking water sources. Normally the distance should be 9 m to 10 m away from leach pits i.e 9 times the depth of the leach pit. Water table should not be shallow, atleast 3 times more than the depth of the leach pit. Measured from bed level of the pit. Site should be away from trees to prevent structured disturbances to the leach pit by root propagation.
Step 2 : Marking of Squatting Platform. Clear the vegetation & top loose soil at the construction site. Level the cleaned site Mark an outer rectangle on the ground using a rope for the squatting platform where Length = 4’ 6” [ 11.25 cms ] and Breadth = 4” [ 10 cms ] Mark an inner rectangle on the ground using a rope where Length = 3’ ½” [8.75 cms] Width = 3” [ 7.5 cms] as shown in the figure.
Step 2 : Marking of Squatting Platform. Clear the vegetation & top loose soil at the construction site. Level the cleaned site. Mark an outer rectangle on the ground using a rope for the squatting platform where Length = 4’ 6” [ 11.25 cms ] and Breadth = 4” [ 10 cms ] Mark an inner rectangle on the ground using a rope where Length = 3’ ½” [ 8.75 cms ] Width = 3” [ 7.5 cms ] as shown in the figure.
Step 3 : Marking for Junction Chamber. Mark a rectangle on the ground using a rope for the Junction chamber where Length = 20” [ 50 cms ] and Breadth = 25” [ 62.5 cms.]
Step 4 : Marking for the Leach Pit. Measure 54” [ 4 ft.6 inches or 135 cms ] from the centre of the back face of the squatting platform. Measure 50 cm on either side. Mark circles of 120 cms diameter on the ground using a rope and peg for leach pit such that the periphery of the circle touches the 50 cms mark.
Step 4 : Marking for the Leach Pit. Measure 54” [ 4 ft.6 inches or 135 cms ] from the centre of the back face of the squatting platform. Measure 50 cm on either side. Mark circles of 120 cms diameter on the ground using a rope and peg for leach pit such that the periphery of the circle touches the 50 cms mark.
Step 5 : Excavation for Foundation of Squating Platform Excavate the soil on the marked area [ between the outer & inner rectangles of 6 ” width ] to a depth of 4 inches for foundation.
Step 6 : Compacting the Excavated Pit / Placing stones / bricks in Foundation. Sprinkle water on the excavated pit and place stones into the excavated portion up to Ground Level for foundation base. Use excavated soil as binding material. Compact the stone packing by using rammer.
Step 6 : Compacting the Excavated Pit / Placing stones / bricks in Foundation. Sprinkle water on the excavated pit and places stones into the excavated portion up to Ground Level for foundation base. Use excavated soil as binding material. Compact the stone packing by using rammer.
Step 7 : Erection of Walls for Squatting Platform Place bricks for construction of squatting platform. The walls to be raised to 15” - 18” [ 5 rows of bricks ] above the foundation base. Use Cement Mortar of 1 : 5. Provide an opening of 4” [ 10 cms ] towards the junction Box [ Back face ] of the squatting platform as shown in the figure. This provision is made for the inserting the trap [ water seal ]
Step 7 : Erection of Walls for Squatting Platform Place bricks for construction of squatting platform. The walls to be raised to 15” - 18” [ 5 rows of bricks ] above the foundation base. Use Cement Mortar of 1 : 5. Provide an opening of 4” [ 10 cms ] towards the junction Box [ Back face ] of the squatting platform as shown in the figure. This provision is made for the inserting the trap [ water seal ].
Step 8 : Placement of Pan & Trap [ Water seal ] Measure & Mark 9” [ 22.5 cms ] from the wall of the Squatting Platform Place the pan in the centre of the squatting platform 9” away from the wall of the squatting platform in such a way that the trap fits into the space provided [ 4” space ] and ensure that it is horizontal. Cut & Attach a piece of pipe to the trap so that it reaches to the edge of the brick wall.
The pan to be supported by placing bricks under it. With the help of spirit level ensure again of proper leveling of Pan and trap. The pan to be supported by placing bricks under it. Pack the empty space between the trap / pipe by packing with broken bricks / stone or by applying Cement Concrete 1 : 3 : 6. Contd.
Step 8 : Placement of Pan & Trap [ Water seal ] Measure & Mark 9” [ 22.5 cms ] from the wall of the Squatting Platform Place the pan in the centre of the squatting platform 9” away from the wall of the squatting platform in such a way that the trap fits into the space provided [ 4” space ] and ensure that it is horizontal. Cut & Attach a piece of pipe to the trap so that it reaches to the edge of the brick wall. With the help of spirit level ensure again of proper leveling of Pan and trap. The pan to be supported by placing bricks under it. Pack the empty space between the trap / pipe by packing with broken bricks / stone or by applying Cement Concrete 1 : 3 : 6.
Step 9 : Earth Filling \ Packing of Squatting Platform. Pack the empty space between the pan and the platform wall firmly by filling the inside of the squatting platform with soil ensuring that the Pan and trap remain in position. Sprinkle water and allow it to set overnight. Place a layer of rubbles mixed with sand and level up to the top by compacting .
Step 9 : Earth Filling \ Packing of Squatting Platform. Pack the empty space between the pan and the platform wall firmly by filling the inside of the squatting platform with soil ensuring that the Pan and trap remain in position. Sprinkle water and allow it to set overnight. Place a layer of rubbles mixed with sand and level up to the top by compacting .
Step 10 : Plastering of Squatting Platform Prepare Plain Cement Concrete 1 : 3 : 6 and pour it over the top of the basement and compact it to a thickness of 3 inches [ 75 mm ]. Place two bricks on either side of the pan for foot rest. Finish the floor base using cement mortar keeping the slope towards the pan from all the sides.
Step 10 : Plastering of Squatting Platform. Prepare Plain Cement Concrete 1 : 3 : 6 and pour it over the top of the basement and compact it to a thickness of 3 inches [ 75 mm ]. Place two bricks on either side of the pan for foot rest. Finish the floor base using cement mortar keeping the slope towards the pan from all the sides.
CONSTRUCTION OF JUNCTION BOX [ CHAMBER ] Junction Box chamber is constructed , surrounding the opening provided for placement of pan with trap [ water seal ] in the squatting platform Construction Procedure : Step : 1 Excavation of the Foundation for Junction Chamber [ Box ] Excavate the soil on the marked area [ Length = 25” & width = 20” ] to a depth of 2” to 3” for foundation.
Step : 2 Compacting the Excavated portion – placing stones / bricks in foundation. Sprinkle water on the excavated pit and place stones into the excavated portion up to Ground Level for foundation base. Use excavated soil as binding material. Compact the stone packing by using hammer.
Step : 2 Compacting the Excavated portion – placing stones / bricks in foundation. Sprinkle water on the excavated pit and place stones into the excavated portion up to Ground Level for foundation base. Use excavated soil as binding material. Compact the stone packing by using hammer.
Step 3 : Connecting PVC Pipes Two pieces of 3 ” dia PVC Pipes of equal lengths [ 5 m length] are placed and fixed from the bottom of the Junction box [ from the two edges ( corners ) ] to the Bamboo leach pits. The pipes to be inserted into the leach pits in opening provided for pipe space. The pipe should be atleast 6 inches inside the leach pit.
The pipe should be imbedded into the ground and covered with earth. Opening of one of the PVC pipes inside the Junction Box is closed temporarily with a wooden peg to render the leach pit non functional. The wooden peg can be removed as and when required Contd.
Step 3 : Connecting PVC Pipes Two pieces of 3 ” dia PVC Pipes of equal lengths [5 meters length] are placed and fixed from the bottom of the Junction box [ from the two edges (corners) ] to the Bamboo leach pits. The pipes to be inserted into the leach pits in opening provided for pipe space. The pipe should be atleast 6 inches inside the leach pit. The pipe should be imbedded into the ground and covered with earth. Opening of one of the PVC pipes inside the Junction Box is closed temporarily with a wooden peg to render the leach pit non functional. The wooden peg can be removed as and when required .
Step 4 : Erection of walls for Junction Box [ Chamber ] Place bricks for construction of Junction Box [ Chamber ]. The walls to be raised to 10” to 12” [ 3 rows of bricks ] above the foundation base on three sides of the Junction Chamber [ the fourth side being the common wall of squatting platform ]. Use Cement Mortar of 1 : 5.
Step 4 : Erection of walls for Junction Box [ Chamber ] Place bricks for construction of Junction Box [ Chamber ]. The walls to be raised to 10” to 12” [3 rows of bricks] above the foundation base on three sides of the Junction Chamber [ the fourth side being the common wall of squatting platform]. Use Cement Mortar of 1 : 5.
Step 5 : Placing Cement Concrete in Foundation Prepare Plain Cement Concrete of 1 : 3 : 6 for floor foundation [cement concrete base] and compact to a thickness of 2 inches [50 mm] to 3 inches [75 mm]. Finish the floor base using cement mortar keeping the slope towards the drain pipes. Plaster the inner walls of the Junction Box with cement mortar.
Step 5 : Placing Cement Concrete in Foundation Prepare Plain Cement Concrete of 1:3:6 for floor foundation [cement concrete base] and compact to a thickness of 2 inches [50 mm] to 3 inches [75 mm]. Finish the floor base using cement mortar keeping the slope towards the drain pipes. Plaster the inner walls of the Junction Box with cement mortar.
Step 6 : Pre - fabricated lid is provided to cover the Junction Box. This lid is cast in Ferro cement using 6 mm dia ms rod. Mild steel rods of 20” length and 25” width are cut and assembled using binding wires to mould the shape of Junction Box cover and then plastered with cement concrete.
PREPARATION OF BAMBOO STRUCTURE FOR KNITTING OF LEACH PIT Step : 1 Collect 14 nos. of Bamboos of approximately 35 ft length and 2 inches dia each. Cut the Bamboos & Prepare bamboo strips for knitting of Leach Pits. ¾th inches width for Vertical Strips & ½” width for Horizontal Strips. Mark a circle of 100 cms dia on the ground .
Divide the Circle into 18 equal parts. Erect the Vertical bamboo strips on each part. Knit Circular Leach Pits of 1 meter dia & 1 meter depth [height] with the strips. While knitting provisions are kept for opening \ holes, 15 to 18 nos. of 1” [25 mm] dia. to enhance the leaching effect. Prepare two such Bamboo skeletal Provide a 3 inches dia opening 3 inches from the top of the bamboo structure for inserting drain pipes. Contd.
Step : 1 Collect 14 nos. of Bamboos of approximately 35 ft length and 2 inches dia each. Cut the Bamboos & Prepare bamboo strips for knitting of Leach Pits. ¾th inches width for Vertical Strips & ½” width for Horizontal Strips. Mark a circle of 100 cms dia on the ground . Divide the Circle into 18 equal parts. Erect the Vertical bamboo strips on each part. Knit Circular Leach Pits of 1 meter dia & 1 meter depth [height] with the strips. While knitting provisions are kept for opening \ holes, 15 to 18 nos. of 1” [25 mm] dia. to enhance the leaching effect. Prepare two such Bamboo skeletal. Provide a 3 inches dia opening 3 inches from the top of the bamboo structure for inserting drain pipes.
Step : 2 Plastering of the Outer Surface of the Bamboo Leach Pit. Prepare Cement Slurry [Cement mixed with water]. Apply one coat of Cement Slurry over the bamboo Skeletal using a Paint brush. Prepare Cement mortar of 1 : 4 mix [ 1 Cement & 4 Sand] Apply Cement mortar on the outer surface to a thickness of half [ ½ ] an inch. Fine plaster the Bamboo leach pits outer surface
Step : 2 Plastering of the Outer Surface of the Bamboo Leach Pit. Prepare Cement Slurry [Cement mixed with water]. Apply one coat of Cement Slurry over the bamboo Skeletal using a Paint brush. Prepare Cement mortar of 1 : 4 mix [1 Cement & 4 Sand] Apply Cement mortar on the outer surface to a thickness of half [ ½ ] an inch. Fine plaster the Bamboo leach pits outer surface
Step : 3 Excavation of the Pit. Excavate the soil on the marked circular area to a depth of 1 m with a diameter of 1.20 meter [120 cms].
Step : 4 Placing of Bamboo Leach Pits. Lower the plastered Bamboo Leach Pits into the pits. Check the levels & alignments of Bamboo Pit. Connect the piece of PVC Pipes from Junction Chamber to the leach pit.
Step : 4 Placing of Bamboo Leach Pits. Lower the plastered Bamboo Leach Pits into the pits. Check the levels & alignments of Bamboo Pit. Connect the piece of PVC Pipes from Junction Chamber to the leach pit.
Step : 5 Plastering of Inner Surface of Bamboo Leach Pit. Apply Cement mortar of 1 : 4 mix on the inner surface to a thickness of ½” inch. Step : 6 Filling of Annular Space. The Annular space between the leach pit & wall be filled \ packed by using sand or earth.
CASTING OF THE LEACH PIT LID [ COVER ] A lid to the leach pit is provided to cover the pit. This lid is cast in Ferro cement using 6 mm dia Mild Steel Rods. Mild Steel rods are cut into specified lengths and assembled [placed] using binding wires to mould the shape of the lid, and then plastered in plain cement concrete. The detailed procedure for casting the leach pit lid cover is given below in steps.
Step : 1 Fabrication of elements of Leach Pit Cover The following table gives the details of each elements for the Leach Pit Cover : Use 6 mm dia rods for preparing the elements Cut the mild steel rods at the requisite length as indicated to form these elements
ASSEMBLING OF ELEMENTS OF LEACH PIT COVER. Select a plain ground for preparing the lid skeletal. Mark a circle of 1.10m [ 110 cms ] on the ground by using a rope & peg. Place the central rod of dimension Lo [ 110 cms ] in a Horizontal position coinciding with the centre of the circle. Place the rods [ Elements ] L1 , L2 & L3 to the top and bottom of the Central Horizontal Elements Lo at a uniform spacing of 15 cms each elements extending to the ring.
Place the other Central rod of dimension L0 [ 110 cms ] in Vertical position coinciding with the centre of the circle and tie the interactions of Horizontal & Verticals rods with the binding wires. Place and tie the rods [ Elements ] L1 , L2 , L3 & L4 to the right & left of the central vertical elements L0 at a uniform spacing of 10 cms. Each elements extending to the ring. Contd.
ASSEMBLING OF ELEMENTS OF LEACH PIT COVER. Select a plain ground for preparing the lid skeletal. Mark a circle of 1.10m [ 110 cms ] on the ground by using a rope & peg. Place the central rod of dimension Lo [ 110 cms ] in a Horizontal position coinciding with the centre of the circle. Place the rods [ Elements ] L1 , L2 & L3 to the top and bottom of the Central Horizontal Elements Lo at a uniform spacing of 15 cms each elements extending to the ring. Place the other Central rod of dimension L0 [ 110 cms ] in Vertical position coinciding with the centre of the circle and tie the interactions of Horizontal & Verticals rods with the binding wires. Place and tie the rods [ Elements ] L1 , L2 , L3 & L4 to the right & left of the central vertical elements L0 at a uniform spacing of 10 cms. Each elements extending to the ring.
CASTING OF LEACH PIT COVER Place stone pieces of uniform sizes [ ½` ] under each intersection before application of cement concrete. Prepare plain cement concrete 1:2:4 [1 cement : 2 sand : 4 stone aggregate of ½` to ¾` dia and pour it over the assembly & compact to a thickness of 1 ½` inches [ 37.5 mm ] Cure the lid by sprinkling water or by covering with a wet gunny bag for7 days.
Lift and place the lid [ cover ] over the leach pit. Provide handles to lid covers [ using 6 mm dia bars ]. Contd.
CASTING OF LEACH PIT COVER Place stone pieces of uniform sizes [ ½` ] under each intersection before application of cement concrete. Prepare plain cement concrete 1:2:4 [1 cement : 2 sand : 4 stone aggregate of ½` to ¾` dia and pour it over the assembly & compact to a thickness of 1 ½` inches [ 37.5 mm ] Cure the lid by sprinkling water or by covering with a wet gunny bag for7 days. Lift and place the lid [ cover ] over the leach pit. Provide handles to lid covers [ using 6 mm dia bars ].