NRCS NRCS Watershed Program In Texas
Water Resources AuthoritiesAuthorities Project ActivitiesProject Activities RehabilitationRehabilitation FundingFunding
Authorities Flood Control Act of 1944 (PL )Flood Control Act of 1944 (PL ) Pilot Watershed Program (1953)Pilot Watershed Program (1953) Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act of 1954(PL )Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act of 1954(PL )
Flood Control Act of 1944 (PL ) Authorized work in 11 watersheds on a river basin basis. Authorized work in 11 watersheds on a river basin basis. 3 of these watersheds were in Texas 3 of these watersheds were in Texas Washita River Washita River Middle Colorado Middle Colorado Trinity River Trinity River
Pilot Watershed Program (1953) Approved the study of 62 small watershedsApproved the study of 62 small watersheds 4 of these were in Texas 4 of these were in Texas Cow Bayou Cow Bayou Green Creek Green Creek Calaveras Creek Calaveras Creek Escondido Creek Escondido Creek
Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act of 1954 (PL ) “Small Watershed Program” “Small Watershed Program” Authorized technical and financial assistance to local watershed organizations for planning and carrying out watershed projects.Authorized technical and financial assistance to local watershed organizations for planning and carrying out watershed projects. Limited watershed to 250,000 AcresLimited watershed to 250,000 Acres
PL Included these potential practices:Included these potential practices: Watershed ProtectionWatershed Protection Flood PreventionFlood Prevention Agricultural Water ManagementAgricultural Water Management Nonagricultural Water ManagementNonagricultural Water Management Groundwater RechargeGroundwater Recharge
Watershed Program Activities in Texas 145 Watershed Projects145 Watershed Projects 115 Completed Watershed Projects115 Completed Watershed Projects 30 Projects Remaining30 Projects Remaining Nearly 2100 structures (FRS & GSS)Nearly 2100 structures (FRS & GSS) 306 miles of channel improvement306 miles of channel improvement Land treatment including critical areas, AWMS, etc.Land treatment including critical areas, AWMS, etc.
Sponsoring Local Organizations Request initial assistance Request initial assistance Provide local leadership Provide local leadership Secure landrights Secure landrights Carry out O&M after construction is complete Carry out O&M after construction is complete At least one must have the right of imminent domain At least one must have the right of imminent domain
Current Watershed Sponsors Soil and Water Conservation Districts Soil and Water Conservation Districts Counties- 86 Counties- 86 Cities- 50 Cities- 50 Water Control and Water Control and Improvement Districts- 20 Watershed Authorities and Associations- 6 Watershed Authorities and Associations- 6 River Authorities- 1 River Authorities- 1 State Recreation Areas- 1 State Recreation Areas- 1 Other Special Purpose Districts- 14 Other Special Purpose Districts- 14
Investments in Watershed Program in Texas Local sponsors have invested over $1 billion for land treatment, landrights, O & M, and construction. Local sponsors have invested over $1 billion for land treatment, landrights, O & M, and construction. Federal Government Invested $1.1 billion in financial assistance. Federal Government Invested $1.1 billion in financial assistance. Capitalized benefits have exceeded $2.9 billion to date. Capitalized benefits have exceeded $2.9 billion to date.
Other Benefits Sediment Storage above 20 Major Reservoirs Sediment Storage above 20 Major Reservoirs Example: Lake Lavon Example: Lake Lavon Sediment Storage Sediment Storage Lake Lavon 82,600 ac-ft Lake Lavon 82,600 ac-ft Project Dams Above Lake Lavon 21,500 ac-ft Project Dams Above Lake Lavon 21,500 ac-ft
Floodwater Retarding Structures (FRS) Constructed by Year
Total FRS Built by Decade
Rehabilitation Public Law (Rehabilitation Amendment to PL-566) Public Law (Rehabilitation Amendment to PL-566) Added authority for rehabilitation Added authority for rehabilitation FRS have reached or are near the end of evaluated life. FRS have reached or are near the end of evaluated life. 217 FRS will exceed evaluated life in FRS will exceed evaluated life in 2007
Dams in Texas Exceeding 50 Years of Age
Some Problems Associated with aging structures are SlopeStabilityProblems
Inlet Structure Deterioration
Sediment Accumulation Sediment Accumulation
Pipe & Plunge Basin Failures
Hazard Classification Changes
Urban Encroachment
Rehabilitation extends the useful life and benefits for an additional 50 to 100 years.Rehabilitation extends the useful life and benefits for an additional 50 to 100 years. 120 Structures in Texas are in need of repair120 Structures in Texas are in need of repair Approx. 112 FRS need upgrading to current safety criteriaApprox. 112 FRS need upgrading to current safety criteria Watershed Rehabilitation Needs
Future Actions Needed Sponsors need to defend easements Sponsors need to defend easements Prevent encroachment from development Prevent encroachment from development Protect structures from utility and pipeline construction Protect structures from utility and pipeline construction Insure vegetative cover Insure vegetative cover Life of Project Life of Project Sponsors must provide adequate O&M Sponsors must provide adequate O&M Funding –through taxes or bonds Funding –through taxes or bonds Rehabilitation funding Rehabilitation funding Request Technical advice/guidance from NRCS as needed Request Technical advice/guidance from NRCS as needed Review & Update O&M Agreements Review & Update O&M Agreements
Future Actions (cont.) Sponsors should address need to educate the public Sponsors should address need to educate the public Awareness of watershed programs Awareness of watershed programs Dam Safety Dam Safety Emergency Action Plans Emergency Action Plans Project benefits Project benefits
Future Actions (cont.) NRCS Actions NRCS Actions Provide Technical Assistance for Provide Technical Assistance for Operation & Maintenance Operation & Maintenance Repairs Repairs Upgrades Upgrades Rehabilitation Activities Rehabilitation Activities
Texas Watershed Rehabilitation Financial Assistance (FA) Funding (Nominal Dollars)
SUMMARY Number of floodwater retarding dams 1,971 Number of floodwater retarding dams 1,971 Number of dams Number of dams exceeding 50 years of age in Number of dams that Number of dams that will exceed 50 years of age in Number of dams that need major repair120 Number of dams that need major repair120 Estimated total cost of repairs needed$28 million Estimated total cost of repairs needed$28 million Aging Dams in Texas
SUMMARY Dam Safety in Texas Number of dams classified as high hazard213 Number of dams classified as high hazard213 Number of dams originally classified as Number of dams originally classified as low hazard that need to be upgraded to high hazard criteria 112 Number of high hazard dams Number of high hazard dams greater than 50 years of age in Number of high hazard dams Number of high hazard dams greater than 50 year of age in
SUMMARY Rehabilitation of Dams in Texas Number of high hazard dams rehabilitated to date 5 Number of high hazard dams rehabilitated to date 5 Number of high hazard dams that Number of high hazard dams that need to be rehabilitated112 Estimated total cost of rehabilitation Estimated total cost of rehabilitation needs in Texas$200 million Estimated Sponsor’s share Estimated Sponsor’s share of total rehabilitation cost $70 million
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