TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGIES Submitted By:- Kamaldeep Gupta C-3
C ONTENTS Introduction Field of Application Methods 1. Trenchless Construction Method 2. Trenchless Renewal Method Advantages Conclusion
I NTRODUCTION Technology that covers methods, materials, and equipment capable of being used for the installation of new or replacement or rehabilitation of existing underground infrastructure with minimal disruption to surface traffic, business, and other activities. Or In simple words it’s a subsurface construction works where fewer trenches or no continuous trenches are required to be dug.
F IELD OF A PPLICATION 1)Telecommunication 2) Oil 3) Water pipeline 4) Sewage system 5)Mining 6)Gas 7) Electricity
T RENCHLESS C ONSTRUCTION M ETHODS Pipe Ramming and Pipe Compaction Microtunneling Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD)
P IPE R AMMING AND P IPE C OMPACTION PIPE COMPACTION: This method forms a bore hole by displacing the soil radially outward rather than removing spoil. Usually used for pipe having small diameter.Used in soft to medium hard soil. Limitation:unreliable and unguide PIPE RAMMING: a pneumatic tool is used to hammer the pipe or the casing into the ground while the excess soil from creating the borehole is removed to the surface. 1) ramming tool drives steel pipe into ground 2)pipe inserted can be open or closed 3) the spoil can be removed by auger, water jet or compressed air This method is generally used in soft to very soft clays, silts and organic deposits, sands above water table,and soils with cobble,boulder etc.
M ICROTUNNELING Five independent systems are incorporated into a Microtunnelling system are as follows: (1) Microtunnelling Boring Machine (MTBM) (2) Jacking and intermediate Jacking system (3) Spoil removal system (4) Laser guidance and remote control system (5) Pipe lubrication system Most machines have cameras set up to give more information. Diameter range is from 10in to 136in
T RENCHLESS R ENEWAL M ETHODS Grouting Sliplining Cured in place pipe Pipe Bursting