Internet of Things with Intel Edison Compiling and running Pierre Collet Intel Software
Hello world !
Compiling and running We assume You have configured you Edison according to the previous slides. You are connected via SSH or Serial port over USB to the Edison board. You have downloaded the code samples from : Our Goal Transfer the code examples to the Edison board. Run some basics code to check that everything is all right.
Transfer from Linux # scp –r file_path Replace file_path by the path of the file you want to send Replace by the ip of the Edison board. Replace ~/ by the path on the board where you want to copy the files (~/ is the home folder.)
Transfer from Windows Download and install WinSCP : Select SCP in file protocol Enter the board ip Let 22 as port number Enter “root” as username and your password in the password field. Click login. Filezilla is also a popular choice.
Running Unpack, change directory Once you have transferred and unzipped the example codes on your Edison board, go to the directory “labs/helloall”. This directory contains different codes in different programming languages. All the codes print the sentence “Hello World!” There is four different versions of the code written in : Shell script, nodeJS, C and Python. We are going to run and compile these files in order to test that all the tools you need are correctly working.
Running Execute the following commands in order to execute each code: LanguageCommand Shell scriptsh./ nodeJSnode./hello.js Cgcc –o hello &&./hello Pythonpython./
Conclusion Language of choice You’re on Linux, on Intel. It means you can use a multitude of languages, compile with gcc directly on Edison if needed. Even move your binaries from a PC and run them on Edison.
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