Rebekah Smith, Senior Adviser Social Affairs, BUSINESSEUROPE Healthy Workplaces Campaign Partner Experiences, Activities and Benefits Rebekah Smith, Senior Adviser Social Affairs, BUSINESSEUROPE 28 March 2012 | EU OSHA Campaign Partner meeting Safety and health at work is everyone’s concern. It’s good for you. It’s good for business.
Healthy Workplaces Campaign 2010 – 2011: Maintenance Topic of maintenance Importance of maintenance for companies - Eliminating hazards and creating a safe working environment - Part of health and safety management - Safe maintenance Main objectives of maintenance campaign - Raise awareness of the importance of maintenance for workers’ safety and health - Raise awareness of employers’ legal responsibilities to carry out maintenance, and of the business case for doing so - Promote a simple, structured approach to managing maintenance activities
Health workplaces campaign 2010 – 2011: Maintenance Campaign partner BUSINESSEUROPE workshop: the importance of maintenance and challenges at company level - Business benefits of maintenance activities - Considerations for maintenance activities Benefits for BUSINESSEUROPE - Exchange of information with companies and members - Showing dedication to health and safety issues 3
2012 – 2013 campaign: Working together for risk prevention Why is BUSINESSEUROPE involved? Importance of risk prevention approach OSH systems for identifying and minimising risk Benefits of good safety and health Management leadership - worker participation and constructive engagement Our commitment 4
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