Erika Chin Adrienne Porter Felt Kate Greenwood David Wagner University of California Berkeley MobiSys 2011
Outline Introduction Android Overview Intent-based Attack Surfaces ComDroid Evaluation Other mobile Platforms
Android’s message passing system can become an attack surface if used incorrectly Intent Intents can be used for both intra- and inter- application communication ComDroid A tool analyzes Android applications to detect potential instances of vulnerabilities Personal data loss, corruption, phishing…
Android Overview
Android’s security model differs significantly from the standard desktop security model The complexity of Android’s message passing system implies it has the largest attack surface
Android Overview Threat Model Isolation (mem, file..)
Android Overview Activity Service BroadcastReceiver Service BroadcastReceiver Service BroadcastReceiver Intent System Intent Malicious Intent Fake System Intent
Android Overview Activity ?
Android Overview This paper do not consider attacks on the OS Just focus on securing applications from each other
Android Overview Intents [link][link] System broadcast Intents Only can be sent by the OS Explicit or implicit
Explicit Intents 12 Yelp Map App Name: MapActivity To: MapActivity Only the specified destination receives this message
Implicit Intents 13 Yelp Clock App Map App Handles Action: VIEW Handles Action: DISPLAYTIME Implicit Intent Action: VIEW
Implicit Intents 14 Yelp Browser App Map App Handles Action: VIEW Implicit Intent Action: VIEW
Android Overview Activities Services Broadcast Receivers Content Providers
Android Overview Activity Display on screen 2009/12/8Advanced Defense Laboratory 16
Android Overview Service Background process 2009/12/8Advanced Defense Laboratory 17
Android Overview Broadcast Receiver Asynchronous event notification 2009/12/8Advanced Defense Laboratory 18
Android Overview Content Provider Share data between applications Do not use Intents Use URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) 2009/12/8Advanced Defense Laboratory 19
Android Overview Component Declaration AndroidManifest.xml To receive Intents… Service and Activity must be declared in the manifest Broadcast Receivers can be declared at runtime or in the manifest
Android Overview Exported Components EXPORTED flag (in AndroidManifest.xml) Includes at least one Intent filter Intent filter Action, category, data, extra data…
Android Overview A sender can assign any action, type, or category (certain actions that it only the system can send)
Android Overview Permission Normal Dangerous Signature SignatureOrSystem
Intent-based Attack Surfaces
Common Developer Pattern: Unique Action Strings 25 Showtime Search Results UI IMDb App Handles Actions: willUpdateShowtimes, showtimesNoLocationError Implicit Intent Action: willUpdateShowtimes
Common Developer Pattern: Unique Action Strings 27 Showtime Search Results UI IMDb App Handles Actions: willUpdateShowtimes, showtimesNoLocationError Implicit Intent Action: willUpdateShowtimes
ATTACK #1: Eavesdropping 28 Showtime Search Malicious Receiver IMDb App Handles Action: willUpdateShowtimes, showtimesNoLocationError Implicit Intent Action: willUpdateShowtimes Eavesdropping App Sending Implicit Intents makes communication public
ATTACK #2: Intent Spoofing 29 Malicious Component Results UI IMDb App Handles Action: willUpdateShowtimes, showtimesNoLocationError Action: showtimesNoLocationError Malicious Injection App Receiving Implicit Intents makes the component public
30 Typical caseAttack case
ATTACK #3: Man in the Middle 31 Showtime Search Results UI IMDb App Handles Action: willUpdateShowtimes, showtimesNoLocation Error Malicious Receiver Handles Action: willUpdateShowtimes, showtimesNoLocationError Man-in-the-Middle App Action: willUpdateShowtimes Action: showtimesNoLocation Error
ATTACK #4: System Intent Spoofing Background – System Broadcast Event notifications sent by the system Some can only be sent by the system Receivers become accessible to all applications when listening for system broadcast 32
System Broadcast 33 Component App 1 Handles Action: BootCompleted Component App 2 Handles Action: BootCompleted Component App 3 Handles Action: BootCompleted System Notifier Action: BootCompleted
System Intent Spoofing: Failed Attack 34 Handles Action: BootCompleted Malicious Component Malicious App Action: BootCompleted Component App 1
System Intent Spoofing: Successful Attack 35 Handles Action: BootCompleted Malicious Component Malicious App Component App 1 To: App1.Component
Real World Example: ICE App ICE App: Allows doctors access to medical information on phones Contains a component that listens for the BootCompleted system broadcast On receipt of the Intent, it exits the application and locks the screen 36
Real World Example: ICE 37
Disassemble application DEX files using Dedexer tool Dedexer Parses the disassembled output and logs potential component and Intent vulnerabilities
Permission Normal and Dangerous Intent Analysis Intents, IntentFilters, registers, sinks (e.g., sendBroadcast(), startActivity(), etc.) and components
ComDroid Intent Whether it has been made explicit Whether it has an action Whether it has any flags set Whether it has any extra data Sinks Implicit or not?
ComDroid Component Analysis Public or not? Main, launching Activity is public but is less likely to be attackable registerReceiver() With data / without data System broadcast Intent.getAction() Misuse
ComDroid Limitation and discussion Do not distinguish between paths through if and switch statements False negatives Pending Intent Future work