Commercial-in-Confidence The ATLAS Project: Delivering Authenticated Location within Commercial LBS William Roberts, NSL Galileo Applications Days 5 March 2010 Brussels
The Commercial LBS: Shoot & Proof Shoot & Proof is a mobile software which captures Certified Digital pictures Picture captures are Geotagged, time-stamped, watermarked and encrypted at capture The value chain allows for total integrity control from capture to storage Legal value of the process has been tested and validated Worldwide patent on the technology ISO certified processes But it remains a very simple 2 click mobile pic capture software Legal Value of pics Legal Value of pics Photos only Photos & Form API
Slide 3 Shoot&Proof from a User’s Perspective
User Interfaces Apple IphoneJava - J2MERIM - BlackberryWindows Mobile Android G1 * : Q2 09 Capture Storage and retrieval
Customers Some of the clients Some of the Partners
Slide 6 Analysis of the Shoot & Proof Features Images, documents and forms are: Watermarked Advanced digital watermarking Encrypted Advanced cryptography Timestamping Certified from an external time server Geotagging From the internal positioning engine GPS, Cell-ID, etc
Slide 7 What about Location? Most existing Shoot & Proof Clients are unaware that the location is less robust Happy with S&P service and use it on a regular basis But... Some Clients have requested Improved accuracy “Authenticated” positioning S&PS&P Law enforce ment Real Estate Retails Adverti sing Cleanin g Deliver y / moving Mainten ance Engine ering Constru ction Insuran ce Securit y
Slide 8 The ATLAS Project Authenticating Time and Location within Liability- critical Applications and Services Successful bid into the latest FP7 GSA call, Use of EGNOS Services for Mass Market: Innovative Applications targeted to SMEs 18 month project, kicked off on 1 st February 2010 3 Project Partners
Slide 9 Project Goals Address the needs for authenticated GNSS positioning (& GNSS time) via GNSS Evidential Support Service Authenticated GNSS Service Implement and validate these added services within the existing commercial Shoot & Proof system using a subset of the existing customers who are requesting the features The solutions must fit within the existing architectures, in terms of handset and the data certification chain Ambitious project goals and timescale but achievable through the modification of existing assets
Slide 10 GNSS Evidential Support Service Provision of a Web-based Service delivering the nominal performance of GNSS (including EDAS) Modification of existing tools
Slide 11 Authenticated GNSS Service Ensuring that the location information is of adequate quality and has not been compromised. This will be carried out via Differential GNSS Improving accuracy using an EDAS based server-side service GNSS Data Sanity Checks PVT, SV info (az, el, snr) consistency and expectancy checks GNSS Quality Measures RAIM Integrity algorithms GNSS Receiver Diagnostics GNSS Acquisition and tracking analysis/routines
Slide 12 Handset Compatibility IphoneJavaBlackberryWin MobAndroid Differential GNSS Sanity Checks Quality Measures & Receiver Diagnostics Therefore, advanced services will require additional hardware ( )
Slide 13 Authenticated GNSS Service: Existing Assets Server side EDAS monitoring service to provide position domain correction Existing Handset based Features Geographical and time based encryption Integrity algorithms originating from aviation Additional hardware Based on NSL’s SDR GNSS
Slide 14 Timescales GNSS Evidential Support Service by end of 2010 Authenticated GNSS Service within one year Certified KO Meeting
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