Thought Questions: Questions to answer. Write these questions on a piece of paper and answer them. 1. What things would cause people to leave a certain place? 2. What factors would cause people to move to a certain place? POPULATION and Urban Development
Define the following : 3. Population Density: 4. Push Factor 5. Pull Factor 6. Birthrate 7. Fertility Rate 8. Death Rate 9. Infant Mortality 10. Rate of Natural Increase
Key Understandings People are not distributed equally on the earth’s surface The world’s population continues to grow, but at different rates in different regions
What would it look like if the world’s population was reduced to 100 people?
REGIONS Part of the Earth’s surface that is alike or connected in some way, such as by politics, economics, culture, or environment. 1) Formal Region, 2) Functional Region, and 3) Perceptual Region
DEMOGRAPHY Demography: The study of population Demographer: A person who studies demography Demographics: the statistical data of a population showing age, gender, income, education, etc.
GLOBALIZATION Describes an ongoing process by which regional economies, societies, and cultures have become integrated through a globe-spanning network of communication and trade.
Global Population Distribution Population Distribution of the Earth is uneven due to factors such as climate, landscape, transportation routes, and available resources. There are FOUR centers of heavy population in the world These areas contain more than 70% of the Earth’s population
1)Eastern Asia has the greatest concentration of people on Earth – it is centered in China and has 21% of Earth’s population. 2) Southern Asia is the second largest concentration of people – it is centered in India and has 16% of the Earth’s pop.
3) Western Europe is the third largest concentration. In Western Europe people are concentrated near natural resources needed for industry.
4)East Central North America is the fourth largest center concentrated in the NE US and SE Canada. In the US, the chain of cities start from the city of Boston to south of Washington DC. - This is called a megalopolis.
Africa has 12% of the Earth’s population. Largest cluster of people found in the Nile River Valley. Cairo is the largest city in Africa.
South America is lightly populated compared with other continents. Patterns of people live along the edges of the continent – SE Buenos Aires in Argentina, Montevideo in Uruguay, and Rio de Janeiro and Recife in Brazil.
Australia has the fewest number of people. They are concentrated along the eastern and southern coasts. (17.5 million people total on the entire continent. – as much as the NYC metro area)
North Pole
World Population by Continent
Population Density The number of people in a unit of space Example: 8,000 people per square mile
Population Density
Population Issues – The 20th century world population "explosion," from 1.6 billion in 1900 to 6.1 in 2000, was a direct result of the rapid decline in mortality rates in less developed countries. As death rates declined, life expectancy rose, leading to higher population. Population explosion issues: how to increase food supplies how to make better use of farmland how to improve eating habits and to take advantage of resources how to find new sources of food.
Food Supply The rate of population growth was more than the amount of food produced. More than 13 million to 18 million people die each year because they do not have a good diet. (35,000 a day; 24 a minute – most are children) More land is needed for agriculture Productive farming methods More productive farming techniques Using new food sources New sources of food Today 90% of the world’s food comes from 15 crops and 7 livestock animals. There are more than 10 million kinds of plants and animals on Earth.
PUSH & PULL FACTORS The push factor involves a force which acts to drive people away from a place. The pull factor is what draws people to a new location.
Migration – Push & Pull Factors Most people move because of economic or political reasons Pushed from a bad situation Less developed country Pulled to a better situation More developed country, access to resources, better economy People also move from rural to urban areas Huge demand on city infrastructure and economy Job market, living quarters
Birth & Fertility Rate Birth Rate: number of live births per 1000 people Fertility Rate: average number of children a woman will have in her lifetime
Death Rates Death (Mortality) Rate – number of deaths per 1000 people Infant Mortality Rate – number of deaths among infants under 1 year old, per 1000 live births
Rate of Natural Increase Rate of Natural Increase: the percentage a population grows in one year Birth Rate minus Death Rate = Rate of Natural Increase
“The J Curve”
Over Population Over Population: the number of people exceeds the resources available in an area Carrying Capacity: the number of organisms a piece of land can support without negative effects.
World Population Video