Loyal, but Lacking The Church at Ephesus Revelation 2:1-7
Review Christ is standing among the lampstands –Each lampstand represents a church Christ is concerned for the welfare of every church of His people –He is giving a report of the good and the bad He sees in each church –He tells them what they must do to fix their problems The problems they faced are problems all churches face –And the solution remains the same
Ephesus, the city A free city, with a vibrant economy
Ephesus, the city Large amphitheater for entertainment
Ephesus, the city A port city, the port road led directly past the theater
Ephesus, the city The temple of Artemis, one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world
Ephesus, the city A city famed for its library as well as for its many superstitious beliefs
Background We know more about the church at Ephesus than we do the other 6 churches –Acts 18:18-21 Church begun by Paul with Aquila and Priscilla Begun among the Jews –They wanted Paul to stay, eager to learn more –Acts 18:24-28 Further taught by Aquila, Priscilla, and Apollos The church encouraged Apollos to teach in Achaia
Background Acts 19:1-10 –Further instructed by Paul –Provided gifts by laying on of Paul’s hands –Paul spent more than 2 years there –Most (if not all) the churches in Asia begun from Paul’s work with the church at Ephesus Acts 19:11-41 –The incident with the exorcists, the burning of magic books, and the riot –Esp vv , 26 Faithful no matter the cost
Background Acts 20:17-38 –Paul’s farewell to the elders at Ephesus –Esp vv A loving and giving church Ephesians (the epistle) –1:1,15 – faithful and loving –6:21-22 – concerned for Paul –But the rest of the book shows some possible friction between Jews and Gentiles –Paul reestablished the basics for them
Revelation 2 Now some 30+ years later –What has become of this church? Rev 2:1-3,6 -- positive points –“labor, toil” (kepos) “to labor to the point of exhaustion” –Did not tolerate evil men –Tested teachers and apostles, exposed the false (including Nicolaitans) –Persevered, endured, not weary Might seem like the church Paul knew
Revelation 2 Rev 2:4-5. negative point –Problem: Left their first love Did the right things, but without love –Solution: Remember from where you have fallen Repent Renew the deeds as done at first –Consequence of failure: The lampstand removed No longer a church of Christ
Revelation 2 Rev 2:7, the reward for overcoming –“He who has an ear, let him hear” The choice is ours to fail or overcome –To eat of the tree of life in the Paradise of God The tree was removed from man in Genesis 3 –Man’s fellowship with God broken by sin –Eternal life denied to man at that time But now we can have that fellowship restored –Eternal life is available once again All we must do is overcome
Conclusion What can we learn for ourselves today? –God appreciates churches that are hard- working and loyal –But as important, they must be motivated by love (not just duty, tradition, etc) –There are consequences for our behavior If we are unloving, then Christ will no longer consider us His church If we overcome, we will have perfect fellowship with God and eternal life –The choice is ours